Ins and outs

Let me start by telling you about my tragic experience of being cheated by unscrupulous HR. The interview was with an e-commerce company in Shanghai, and the salary was good. During the interview, he asked me for the salary statement, then gave me the oral offer, and let me go back to wait for the email. After returning home, I felt that there was no problem with the offer and it was stable, so I didn’t go to other companies and started playing games. I asked HR to tell me that I was going through the process. I asked if I was not needed. HR said yes and asked me to continue to wait.

When I asked again a few days later, HR did not respond to me. At this time, I thought “bad”. Fortunately, I immediately began to interview other companies and got the offer from Meituan by accident, which was a blessing in disguise.

Later, the home appliances business of the company’s HR and inform me to entry, I guess there should be two candidates, and then selected another, it hanging me up, and finally the pigeons, they just remind me, I can only say that HR is really no professional ethics and accomplishment, and then immediately shielding her, but I result is good, don’t do too much dispute with her.

The following content will officially carry out my meituan interview sharing, and then there are some personal interview suggestions and information to share with you. Friends who need my personal collection of 300G PDF information can directly pay attention to the public account at the end of the article and then they can pack for free.


Meituan Interview (4 rounds of interviews with many twists and turns)

Meituan side 1: Relaxed

  • Self introduction, past work experience
  • Talk about previous projects (about concurrency)
  • Introduce the project process, introduce how the system framework is designed? What techniques are used? What problems have you encountered? How to solve it?
  • How to handle high concurrency?
  • The operational model of RocketMq
  • How does ZooKeeper ensure consistency? What is the protocol called?
  • Optimistic locking and pessimistic locking, what are the application scenarios?
  • When can deadlocks occur and how can they be handled?
  • What is a red-black tree? How can hash conflicts be resolved?
  • How much do you remember about sorting?
  • Write code: two stacks implement a queue

The second part of Meituan: Nervous

  • Introduce yourself and introduce the project process
  • What happens when you enter a URL?
  • Tell me about three handshakes. Why three handshakes? Not twice?
  • Have you ever done socket programming? What about states in sockets?
  • The difference between processes and threads
  • The difference between Synchronized and Lock
  • Transaction isolation level and implementation principle.
  • Java garbage collection mechanism
  • What do thread pools know, and what are the parameters of thread pools?
  • HashMap principle (feeling is a must)
  • There were 100 bottles of liquid, one of which was poison, and a rat that drank the poison died a week later. Given a week, how many mice would be needed to determine which bottle was poison? (Change the serial number of the bottle to binary)
  • The code realizes the inversion of the linked list
  • If an array of integers is in ascending order and then descending order, give an integer k and return its index in the array, or -1 if it cannot be found
  • Algorithm: maximum sum/product of continuous subarrays

The third side of Meituan: harmony

  • What is the use of oracle functions?
  • What are the features of object orientation and what do you understand about them
  • What are the access modifiers? And the difference between them
  • Can abstract methods be static, native, and synchronized at the same time?
  • Talk about what the department is doing, what I understand about the project, how to start a project?

Meituan HR interview: Steady

  • To introduce myself
  • Why do you want to join Meituan? What do you know about meituan?
  • Internet companies in mind sort (send proposition)
  • How do you deal with problems that you can’t solve temporarily at work?
  • My strengths and weaknesses
  • What are your future career plans?
  • What other companies did you meet with? What’s the result?
  • Salary requirements


What I did before the Interview (Secret Book of Dachang Harvest)

1. Customize your resume (BATJ)

No matter what industry, resume is a stepping stone, for programmers, should focus on preparation, even to do word for word. I have two personal tips for resumes:

① Highlight your strengths as much as possible

Make sure that the reader sees your strengths at a glance, learn to highlight, such as your last company contributions, highlight in a prominent place, preferably in color. If your advantage is your education, then your education should be on the first page, because the HR will only look at a resume for a few seconds. All you need to do is get them to look at your resume.


(2) Jane

Resume A resume, as it’s called, is about simplifying your personal information and content, and many people fail to do this. I have some friends around me, when writing their resume, long words, want to write an 800-word composition, if your resume is 6-7 pages long, it will not give the other side of the feeling that you have rich experience, but will make people suddenly miss the key point.

In addition, the resume is not written in the laundry list, technical resume is generally not more than three pages, main information, including personal information, contact information, education, etc.), professional skills, work experience, project experience and so on several parts, as far as possible with refined language, a word can clear thing, never use two words.

③ Describe what you have accomplished rather than what you have done

A lot of programmers will describe it in their project or tech stack like this: on a project, I was responsible for XXXX, such as refactoring, such as optimization. But in fact, what the interviewer wants to see is what kind of benefits and effects the refactoring and optimization bring to the project. If the performance is improved, the data and situation of the improvement should be described one by one, so the focus should be “what the project has achieved and achieved”.

The above three points are my requirements for my resume. Said so much, resume exactly how to prepare, how to formulate, many people may still feel confused, I have a set of standard programmer resume template, if you need, can share to you, private password “resume”.


2. Comb knowledge and improve reserves

How well you prepare for your knowledge directly determines whether you can successfully pass the first and second interviews. Therefore, it is necessary to comb your knowledge before the interview to see whether you need to improve your knowledge reserve.

As for knowledge combing, I have divided it into the following parts:

  • Concurrent programming: multi-threaded + high concurrency +CAS+ lock + thread pool bottom layer, etc
  • Performance tuning: I/O and network tuning + algorithm tuning +JVM tuning +MySQL tuning +Tomcat tuning
  • Spring family bucket: Spring+SpringMVC+Spring5.x core mechanism source code
  • NoSql cache architecture: Redis +mongoDB
  • Distributed & Microservices: SpringBoot+SpringCloud+ Docker + Maven +git


After the knowledge is sorted out, it is necessary to check and fill in the gaps. Therefore, I have prepared many e-books and notes for these knowledge points, which perfectly summarize each knowledge point:

Java core knowledge

Redis study notes

Spring family bucket related information for example

3. Project review

In fact, many of the first two rounds of the interview will be technical questions about your project, so one of the last things to do before the interview is to review the project. Regarding the project review, my personal thoughts are as follows for your reference:

  • What was your role in the project?
  • What is the background of this project, and if it is a technical project, why do it?
  • What are the technical difficulties and how to solve them? Is there a better solution?
  • Are there areas of the project that you think could be improved?
  • What problem does this project solve, and it’s best to speak in terms of data, and how do you get this data?

Put the train of thought in advance, the above questions to think about or prepare, do have spectrum in mind, naturally can the interviewer chat harmonize, maintain a good state of mind, the chance of passing will be greater.


Last wishes

Why should programmers get into big factories, and get into big factories early? Six key words summarize the importance and necessity of entering dACHeng: equity, growth, pattern, value, circle and addition.

Simply read these 6 keywords, believe you also have their own mind. No more nonsense, respect personal choice, hope everyone can achieve their own goals and values, whether you enter a big factory or not, but to be a qualified and excellent programmer, you should have professional ethics!

Finally, the article involved in the United States group interview answers and analysis; ②Java programmer resume template; ③ Mind mapping and learning notes; ④ BAT and other first-line large factory interview questions and other PDF documents, are free to share, as long as you support me more can oh!

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