One, foreword

Today share UGUI text to achieve progress waiting, progress loading, process waiting demo animation, the implementation of ideas is relatively simple, the effect is relatively simple, just for your reference, thank you

Effect demonstration:

Second, the resource


Third, the body

Write the script textloading.cs

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class TextLoading : MonoBehaviour
    public Text m_Text;
    float m_CurProgressValue2 = 0;
    float m_ProgressValue2 = 100;
    float m_CurProgressValueTemp = 0;

    void Update()
        if (m_CurProgressValue2 < m_ProgressValue2)
        if (m_CurProgressValue2 == 100)
            m_CurProgressValue2 = 0;
        m_CurProgressValueTemp = m_CurProgressValue2 / 100f;
        if (m_CurProgressValueTemp > 0.1 f && m_CurProgressValueTemp <= 0.3 f)
            m_Text.text = A. a. a. a. "low";
        else if (m_CurProgressValueTemp > 0.3 f && m_CurProgressValueTemp <= 0.5 f)
            m_Text.text = A. a. a. a. "low";
        else if (m_CurProgressValueTemp > 0.5 f && m_CurProgressValueTemp <= 0.7 f)
            m_Text.text = Author, a. a. a. low "";
        else if (m_CurProgressValueTemp > 0.7 f && m_CurProgressValueTemp <= 0.9 f)
            m_Text.text = A. a. a. a. "low";
            m_Text.text = Author, a. a. "a." "; }}}Copy the code

The code is simple, so I won’t comment it out