Click here to download the Resume template for Android programmers
Explain ConstraintLayout Explain ConstraintLayout explain Chain
2.Git Tutorial by Liao Xuefeng
JPEG and PNG image optimization JPEG and PNG image optimization
4. Android textView sets different font sizes and colors
5.JAVA String formatting – use of string.format () Use of string.format ()
6. Create a colorful text display with SpannableString
Android Studio documentation for Android Developers
Android 7.0 FileUriExposedException resolution, support Sina Weibo FileUriExposedException resolution, support Sina Weibo
9. Modified RxCache to add load cache before request network functionality to Retrofit. Modified RxCache to add load cache before request network functionality to Retrofit
10.Glide pit: width full height adaptive & GIF loading pit
Android Map input address using positive geocoding to obtain latitude and longitude
Glide V4 is a fast and efficient Android image loading library
Here are 25 new Android libraries and projects to watch for at the start of 2018
Google Developers Developers
Dp SP PX conversion tool
16. Recyclerview third-party adapter making address: BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelperGithub
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I want to work my way up
Fly forward on the blades at the highest point
Let the wind blow dry tears and sweat
I want to work my way up
Waiting for the sun to watch its face
Little days have big dreams
I have my day
Let the wind blow dry tears and sweat
One day I will have my day