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Arithmetic operation instruction

      • 1, addition and subtraction instructions ADD, ADC, SUB, SBB and incremental decrement instructions INC, DEC, NEG
        • ADD ADC examples
        • SUB SBB
      • 2. Comparison instruction CMP
        • CMP example explanation
        • DIV, IDIV example explanation
      • 4. Symbol extension instruction CBW CWD
      • 5. BCD number operation adjustment instruction (decimal adjustment instruction)

1, addition and subtraction instructions ADD, ADC, SUB, SBB and incremental decrement instructions INC, DEC, NEG

(1) Without carry bit addition instruction

Command format: ADD DST, SRC; DST please DST + SRC

Syntax: ADD reg/mem, reg/mem/IMM8 / IMM16

Command function: complete the addition of two operands, the result is sent to the destination operand DST.

This directive requires DST and SRCCannot be both memoryDST cannot be an immediate number.The result of the operation affects the flag bit.


(2)ADC with carry bit addition instruction

Instruction format: ADC DST, SRC

Function: Same as the ADD command, except that the current value of the carry bit is added when adding.

The operations are as follows: == (DST) ← (SRC) + (DST) + CF ==

DST and SRC cannot be storage at the same time, SRC can be the immediate number,The result of the operation affects the flag bit.

Specific effects on status flag bits:

CF=1 the most significant bit in binary addition has a carry to the highest bit. CF=0 in binary addition, there is no carry in the most significant bit to the highest. ZF is equal to 1 and the addition is 0. ZF is equal to 0 and the addition is not 0. OF=1 add two signed numbers (positive + positive, or negative + negative) and the result is the opposite sign. OF is equal to 0. Note: (adding different sign numbers does not overflow) SF=1 adds negative (sign bit is 1) SF=0 adds positive (sign bit is 0).

ADD ADC examples

C=A+B, C=A+B, C=A+B, C=A+B, C=A+B, C=A+B ADD the low order words first, and then use ADC to complete the carry addition of the high order words

data segment
   DVAR DD 00127654H;
   DVAR DD 00049821H; DVARC DD ? ; Stores the added value ends; Define data LEA DI,DVAR in data segment; MOV AX,4[DI]; The start address of the second low order word =DI+4AX ADD AX,[DI]; MOV WORD PTR DVARC,AX; Save the result of the low word MOV AX,6[DI];
ADC AX,2[DI]; With carry MOV DVARC+2,AX; Save the high level word of the resultCopy the code

Grammar points:

When to use WORD/BYTE PTR in assembly

Pseudoinstruction DD DW DB

(3) SUB DST, SRC without borrowing subtraction instruction

Function: Subtract two operands and send the result back to DST.

Completed operations: DST← dst-src

(4) SBB DST, SRC with borrowing subtraction instruction

Function: similar to SUB, but the current value of CF should be subtracted when subtracting.

Completed operations: DST← dst-src-cf

Syntax format: SUB (SBB) reg/mem, reg/mem/imm

DST and SRC can be storage or registers, butCannot be both memory. The result of the operation affects the flag bit.


Q: Suppose DVAR1 and DVAR2 have double word count, find (DVAR1)- (DVAR2), and store the result in the double word variable DVARR.

data segment
   DVAR1 DD 00127654H;
   DVAR2 DD 00049821H; DVARR DD ? ; Stores the subtracted value ends; MOV AX,WORD PTR DVAR1; SUB AX,WORD PTR DVAR2; MOV WORD PTR DVARR,AX; Save the lower WORD MOV AX,WORD PTR DVAR1+2;
SBB AX,WORD PTR DVAR2+2; MOV WORD PTR DVARR+2,AX; Save the high level word of the resultCopy the code

(5) INC OPR + 1 instruction adds 1 to the specified operand, whose operand OPRD can be any general purpose register or memory cell. This directive affects the flag bit, but does not affect the CF flag bit. Completed operation: OPR OPR+1

INC AL; AL←AL+1 INC (SI); SI, SI plus 1

(6) DEC OPR minus 1 instruction function: to achieve the operation of the operand minus 1, the operand can be a general register, also can be in the memory unit. When we subtract by 1, we treat the operand as an unsigned binary number. Completed operations: OPRD OPRD-1 Syntax: DEC reg/ MEM

DEC BX. BX BX-1 DEC (DI); Phi DI phi DI minus 1

(7) NEG (take negative instruction)

Format: NEG DST;

Convert to binary algorithm:

OPR OPRD ‘+1’ or: OPR FFFFH – (OPR) ‘+1

2. Comparison instruction CMP

Instruction format: CMP OPR1, OPR2; Opr1-opr2 Result Affects the flag bit. Syntax format: CMP REg/meM, reg/ meM/IMM function: compare two numbers, and perform opR1-OPR2 operation as subtraction instruction, but do not send back the result after subtraction, only modify the flag bit according to the subtraction result. OPR1 and OPR2 can be memory or register, not memory at the same time. OPR2 can also be immediate number, and the operation result has an effect on the flag bit. There are three possible results: AX>BX, AX

CF=1 subtraction with the highest significant bit borrowed from the high (AX

CMP example explanation

Q: If there are 100 signed numbers in the memory buffer from the beginning of the BLOCK, you want to find the largest one and place it in the MAX cell. Loop statement add one subtract one instruction, find the maximum value: need to compare statement CMP with the number of signs: a word size

data segment
   BLOCK DD 00127654H; . BLOCK DD00049821H; MAX DD ? ; ends ; Define data MOV BX,OFFSETBLOCK in data segment; ==LEA BX,BLOCK; MOV AX,[BX]; Put the first number in AX INC BX; INC BX; The address goes to the next number :BX+2
MOV CX,99; CMP AX,[BX]; The number in AX and the number pointed to by BX JG NEXT; AX>[BX] MOV AX,[BI]; Otherwise send [BX] to AX NEXT:DEC CX; INC BX; INC BX; Count reduction1, bi points to the next number JNZ AGAIN; Are you done comparing all the numbers? MOV [MAX],AX; Send the AX content to storage unit MAXCopy the code


(1) Unsigned number multiplication instruction MUL

Format: MUL SRC; (AX) (AL) × (SRC) byte multiplication

(DX,AX) (AX) × (SRC) word multiplication

Syntax: MUL reg/ meM

Requirement: In byte operations, the destination operand (multiplicand) (implied instruction) must be an accumulatorALWhen doing the multiplication operation, we should set the multiplicand first, that is, the multiplicand product are implicit forms, the multiplicand and the multiplicand are unsigned numbers, and the product is stored in the registerAXIn the. When performing word operations, the destination operand must be an accumulatorAX, the product is in the registerDX.In the AX. The source operandsImmediate numbers are not allowed.

Schematic diagram:

(2) Sign number multiplication instruction IMUL

Format: IMUL SRC; (AX) (AL) × (SRC) bytes

; (DX, AX) (AX) × (SRC)

Syntax: IMUL reg/ MEM

Note: The operation is the same as unsigned multiplication

The effect on the flag bit can be similarly compared.

Example: MOV AL 66H; AL MOV BL 88H; Multiplier send BL MUL BL; Unsigned multiplication, AL×BL result stored in AX MOV AX, 6666H; AX MOV BX, 4567H; Multiplier (word) send BX MUL BX; The resulting high word is in DX and the low word is in AX

When to use signed and unsigned?

The conditions for the use of MUL and IMUL instructions are determined by the attributes of the numbers (determined by the programmer himself).

For example, if (1111111111b) x (11111111B) is an unsigned number, the value is 255 x 255=65025.

For signed numbers, it is (-1) × (-1) =1, so it decides which instruction to choose according to the format of the multiplier to be phase.

Influence on flag bit:

The result of the multiplication instruction operation affects the status flag, but it doesCF and OF have special definitions.

Words are multiplied by bytes:


CBW; CBW = convert byte to wordThe logical meaning is that the sign of al extends to ah

The basic function of section extension CBW is (AH) =00H when the most significant bit of (AL) is 0. AH) =FFH, when the most significant bit of (AL) is 1



(3) Unsigned division instruction DIV (dividend and result implied)

Format: DIV SRC; The quotient of (AL) (AX)/(SRC) division

Byte operation (AH) (AX)/(SRC) division remainder

The quotient of the word operation (AX) (DX, AX)/(SRC) division

(DX) (DX, AX)/(SRC) remainder of the division

(4) Signed division instruction IDIV (dividend and result implied)

Format: IDIV SRC; The quotient of (AL) (AX)/(SRC) division

Byte operation (AH) (AX)/(SRC) division remainder

The quotient of the word operation (AX) (DX, AX)/(SRC) division

(DX) (DX, AX)/(SRC) remainder of the division

Image means:

== 需要注意点:==

1) If the divisor is 0, a type 0 interrupt is generated.

2) The operation result of division instruction does not define the status flag.

3) When the division instruction requires word operation,The dividend must be 32 bits, the divisor is 16 bits, and the quotient and remainder are 16 bits; In byte manipulation,The dividend must be 16 digitsThe divisor is 8 bits, and the quotient and remainder are 8 bits. (The dividend must be greater than the divisor).

4) Signed and unsigned division to complete the same operation, but when the signed division is done, the operand is signed, the resulting quotient and remainder are also signed, the remainder of the sign is the same as the dividend sign.

DIV, IDIV example explanation

Q: *** implements unsigned and signed division of the following data DATA7 DW 9400H; Dividend DATA8 DW 0060H; Divisor “DW? ; Traders REMAIN DW? ; The remainder of * * *

; Unsigned MOV AX,DATA7; MOV DX,0; DIV DATA8; MOV QUOT,AX; MOV REMAN,DX; ; MOV AX,DATA7; ; CWD extends AX to DX and AX. The rule is if the highest bit of AX is equal to theta1, then DX=FFFFH; If AX at its highest is equal to0, then DX= is executed0000H
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What does the symbol extension instruction CBW,CWD mean?

4. Symbol extension instruction CBW CWD

5. BCD number operation adjustment instruction (decimal adjustment instruction)

When I started writing this kind of instructions, I felt a little confused. After reading this article, I felt a little better. I suggest that I read this article first and then go down to understand the specific instructions.… BCD code: A 4-bit binary code representing a 1-bit 10-bit number. It’s not the same as binary code, and we need to fix it to get the right result. BCD can be divided into two types: 1) separated BCD code: 8-bit register contains one BIT BCD code (non-compressed BCD) 2) combined BCD code: 8-bit register contains two bits BCD code (compressed BCD) 1) Addition adjustment instruction AAA DAA AAA — adjust the addition result of non-compressed BCD number in AL; 2. Observe AF AF has carry, then AH=1, CF=1, AF= L; AF has no carry, then AH=0, CF=0, AF=0. 3. The top 4 of AL in Qing Dynasty

DAA — Adjust the sum of two compressed decimal numbers in AL to get the compressed decimal and; Specific operation: +6 correction was made to the lower 4 bits and the higher 4 bits of the sum result AL respectively. The impact on flag bit is equivalent to the difference between compressed BCD and uncompressed BCD by ADD instruction. Compressed BCD code uses one byte to represent two-digit BCD code, the high one to represent ten-digit BCD code, and the low one to represent single-digit BCD code, which is called compressed BCD code. For example, the decimal number 56 is represented by the compressed 8421BCD code as 0101 0110. The uncompressed BCD code is represented by one byte as a BCD code. The high and low levels are 0 and BCD codes respectively. For example, the decimal number 5 is expressed as 0000 0101 in an uncompressed 8421BCD code

; ASCII code is obtained through keyboard input, which is regarded as separate BCD code, then high4Bits are invalid parts and therefore do not need to be cleared. MOV AL,34H; BCD is a decimal number34
MOV BL,28H; BCD is a decimal number28ADD AL.BL; ; Before that, (AL) is equal to5CH, (add in binary) DAA; ; After that, delta of AL is equal to62H (convert to BCD code)Copy the code

2. Subtraction adjustment instruction AAS DAS AAS — Adjust the subtraction result of non-compressed BCD number in AL; The low level AL of uncompressed BCD code is subtracted by 6 to observe whether AF has borrowed, CF=1, AF= L; AF has no borrowing, CF=0, AF=0. DAS — Adjust the difference between two compressed decimal numbers in AL by subtracting them to get the compressed decimal difference; The high order AH and low order AL of compressed BCD code are reduced by 6. The effect on the flag bit is the same as the SUB instruction. Q: Operations to calculate decimal numbers: 5-9

; ASCII code is obtained through keyboard input, which is regarded as separate BCD code, then high4Bits are invalid parts and therefore do not need to be cleared. MOV AL,05H; BCD is a decimal number5
MOV BL,09H; BCD is a decimal number9
Copy the code

Q: Operations to calculate decimal numbers: 31-87

; ASCII code is obtained through keyboard input, which is regarded as separate BCD code, then high4Bits are invalid parts and therefore do not need to be cleared. MOV AL,31H; BCD is a decimal number5
MOV BL,87H; BCD is a decimal number9
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AAM AAM — Adjust the result of multiplying two ASCII uncompressed decimal numbers in AX; Adjustment method: Divide the result (AL) by 10 to obtain the lower four bits of (AH) and the remainder of the lower four bits of (AL) q: Calculate the decimal operation: 78*

; ASCII code is obtained through keyboard input, which is regarded as separate BCD code, then high4Bits are invalid parts and therefore do not need to be cleared. MOV AL,7;		
MOV BL,8;	
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AAM AAD — Adjust the ASCII uncompressed decimal number in AX before the division instruction; Adjustment method :(AL)=(AH)*10+(AL); With (AH) =0, the next operation is normal division.

Q: Operation to calculate decimal numbers: 274*

; ASCII code is obtained through keyboard input, which is regarded as separate BCD code, then high4Bits are invalid parts and therefore do not need to be cleared. MOV AX,0207H;		
MOV BL,4; AAD ; (AX)<-001BH
Copy the code

In conclusion, instructions that are classified into two categories because of the type of BCD are essentially the same, in which addition, subtraction, and multiplication are all modified by some operation from binary to BCD form. Division operates on the dividend, which requires special attention

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