
This section is present in the second quarter, is introduced in the second section of com. Badlogic. Etf has. Graphics. The pixmap class.


To recall the introduction of Section 2:

The Pixmap pixel figure

We can use com. Badlogic. Etf has. The graphics. The Pixmap class to build a simple pixel texture. The constructors commonly used for Pixmap are:

  • Pixmap(FileHande) : Pass in a FileHande and read the image into Pixmap
  • Pixmap(int,int,Pixmap.Format) :Pass in the image width and height (integers in pixels) and the Format object (image encoding, in pixmap. Format, generally usedFormat.RGBA8888)

At this point the image is still blank, we need to draw a graph in the image:

Set the color of the following graphics:

// Both are set to black
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Draw a graph with coordinates based on the image (0,0 on the upper left) and the new graph will overwrite the old one:

pixmap.fill();  // Fill the entire image
pixmap.fillCircle(10.10.10);  // Draw a (10,10) solid circle with radius 10
pixmap.fillRectangle(;  // draw a (30,10) solid rectangle of size 10 by 20
Pixmap.fillTriangle(; // draw a solid triangle (0,10),(5,0),(10,10)
pixmap.drawCircle(10.10.10);  // Draw a hollow circle
pixmap.draRectangle(;  // Draw a hollow rectangle
pixmap.drawLine(;  // draw a line from (0,0) to (100,100) (1 pixel)
pixmap.drawPixmap(pixmap2,0.0);  // Draw another Pixmap on the image (doll doge)
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Pixmap advanced

The review ends and the body begins.

Here is the pixel-based approach:

// Get the pixel color
int color=pixmap.getPixel(pixelX,pixelY);
// Draw a pixel
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Use int to store RGBA colors

The int value returned by pixmap.getPixel () represents the RGBA color.

RGBA colors are represented by four octet binary numbers, a total of 32 bits, whereas Java ints are exactly 32 bits, so using int to represent RGBA colors is a good fit

The constant in the libGDX Color class is of type int, and also uses int to store RGBA colors.

if(color==Color.Black){/ *... * /}
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So how do you store/read RGBA colors? Is simple:

// From color to RGBA
public int[] colorToRGBA(int color){
    // Alpha is the highest bit
    int alpha=color>>>24;
    // The rest in order
    int r=( color & 0xff0000) > >16 ;
    int g=( color & 0xff00) > >8;
    int b= color & 0xff ;
    int colors[] =new int[4];
    / /... RGBA is assigned to colors in turn, omitted here
    return colors; 

// from RGBA to color
public int RGBAtoColor(int r,int g,int b,int alpna){
    // Alpha is the highest bit
    int color = (alpha<<24) | (r<<16) | (g<<8) | b;
    return color;
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PixmapIO image flow

Com. Badlogic. Etf has. Graphics. PixmapIO class static method provides a picture of reading and writing:

// Read the file to pixmap
Pixmap pixmap = PixmapIO.readCIM(fileHander);

// Write pixmap to the file
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.png to .cim

Note that PixmapIO can only read.cim files, not.png files. But we can check the “Bug” :

  1. Pixmap has a constructor that reads.png files

  2. PixmapIO can save.cim files

We can make a **.png to. Cim tool.

Jar download: Click here, extract code: Wood

Download source code: click here, extract code: Wood

The interface is as follows:

Key source code is as follows:

Pixmap pixmap=new Pixmap(loadFile);
PixmapIO.writeCIM(saveFile, pixmap);
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DrawPixmap (new pixMap (PNGpath)) is better 😀

Try: drawing applet

In any case, we now have a rough idea of the advanced use of Pixmap. So next, we will make a drawing applet, it can change the brush size and color, also can save the file

package com.libGDX.test;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;
import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationAdapter;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys;
import com.badlogic.gdx.InputAdapter;
import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle;

// Apply the main class
public class Test extends ApplicationAdapter {
    private SpriteBatch batch;
    private Pixmap pixmap;    / / drawing board
    private Texture texture;    // Draw the carrier
    private int r;    // Brush radius
    /* * Save the file dialog box. LibGDX itself does not contain a file selection box, so linkage with Java Swing's file selection box is required
    private JFileChooser saveDirecrotyChooser;    
    public void create(a) {
        batch=new SpriteBatch();
        // Create a Pixmap with a screen size of 500 x 500 for the artboard
        pixmap=new Pixmap(500.500,Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
        // White for artboard background
        // The default is black brush
        // The default brush radius is 5, small
        // Initialize the texture
        texture=new Texture(pixmap);
        // Set the input feedback
        Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputAdapter() {
            // Release the keyboard event
            public boolean keyUp(int keycode) {
                // See if you want to change the properties
                // If you press S to save the file
                return false;
            // Draw on the artboard as you click and drag
            public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
                return false;
            public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) {
                return false; }});// Initializes the file selection box
        saveDirecrotyChooser=new JFileChooser("");
        // Set the.png image to store
        saveDirecrotyChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new FileNameExtensionFilter("PNG"."png"));
    public void render(a) {
        // White clear screen;;
        / / to draw
        batch.draw(texture, 0.0);
    // Brush drawing
    private void draw(int x,int y) {
        // The brush is actually a circle
        pixmap.fillCircle(x, y, r);
        / / refresh
        texture.draw(pixmap, 0.0);
    // Set the brush color
    private void setColor(int keycode) {
        switch(keycode) {
            case Keys.R:pixmap.setColor(Color.RED);break;    / / red
            case Keys.G:pixmap.setColor(Color.GREEN);break;    / / green
            case Keys.B:pixmap.setColor(Color.BLUE);break;    / / blue
            case Keys.A:pixmap.setColor(Color.BLACK);break;    / / black
            case Keys.W:pixmap.setColor(Color.WHITE);break;    // White, eraser}}// Set the brush size
    private void setSize(int keycode) {
        switch(keycode) {
            case Keys.F1:r=5;break;        / / the trumpet
            case Keys.F2:r=10;break;    / / medium
            case Keys.F3:r=20;break;    / / large.}}// Save the file
    private void save(a) {
        // Set the default file name photo year-month-date.png
        saveDirecrotyChooser.setSelectedFile(new File("photo-"+String.format("%tF".new Date())+".png"));
        // Displays the file save dialog box
        int i =saveDirecrotyChooser.showSaveDialog(new Container());
        // If you press OK/Save
        if(i==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
            // Create FileHande with the selected pathFileHandle saveFile=newFileHandle(saveDirecrotyChooser.getSelectedFile().getPath()); PixmapIO.writePNG(saveFile, pixmap); }}@Override
    public void dispose(a) { pixmap.dispose(); texture.dispose(); batch.dispose(); }}Copy the code

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