
Low Code, a platform for developers to visually generate interface layouts, helps developers quickly generate layouts (currently in the development feature stage).



  • Keyboard events are supported
    • [Ctrl + C] (Copy selected))
    • [Ctrl + V] (Paste)
    • [Ctrl + Backspace] (Delete selected)
    • [Ctrl + Z] (Return)
    • [Ctrl + Z] (Forward)
  • Support for multiple layouts
  • Supported historical operations [supported]
  • Support visual styles [in development]
  • Support to export code [under development]
  • Support components [not started]
  • Support for CSS units (Rem, Vw)
  • Support for layout history storage
  • Support for front-end frame tags [not started]

Project related

Realize the principle of

Each node corresponds to an AST object. You can manipulate the properties of the AST object to trigger page changes

  • Multiple layout code
  • Single layout code
  • The node code

Code files

. Making -- -- -- -- > making Action configuration. Vscode -- -- -- -- > vscode configuration (prettier) SRC -- - | | | the context - > global context model - > data layer Controller --> Control layer Pages --> View Theme --> Theme color matchingCopy the code

The code architecture

Data layer update -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - > page -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - > global context -- -- -- - > refresh the page write | change | operation | < -- -- -- -- - control - - - - - -Copy the code


Online address

The project address


Expect to be able to generate the business interface structure quickly in the daily repetitive business development, currently in the development stage, welcome to join.