
Apple’s Safari browser, released with iOS 14, iPadOS, and macOS Big Sur, analyzes web trackers on web sites and gives a 30-day report on the known trackers that users find while browsing, plus which sites they come from. These new features are a step towards transparency, letting users know how many trackers are tracking them and recording their individual actions. View trackers that are being blocked from tracking you in Safari on your Mac. In 2018, Apple announced smart Tracking Prevention, which was the first to limit the power of web trackers, and the new Safari feature will give users more information. In December 2019, a report showed that AD prices on Safari had fallen by 60% after Apple aggressively pushed the smart tracking feature.

Apple’s Safari browser, which has been available since iOS 14, iPadOS and Mac OS Big Sur, analyzes web trackers on websites and gives a 30-day report on known web trackers found while browsing, as well as the sites from which they came. These new features are a step toward transparency, allowing users to see how many trackers are following them and to record individual user behavior. View the trackers that have been prevented from tracking you in Safari on your Mac. In 2018, Apple released Smart Tracking Prevention, which was the first to limit the power of online trackers, and the new Safari feature will give users even more information. According to a December 2019 report, Apple’s aggressive push into smart tracking protection in Safari has led to a 60% drop in AD prices specifically for the platform.

Privacy Report | Privacy Report

Apple’s Privacy Report allows you to see who was blocked from tracking you in Safari.

How To view | To view this info:

  • On a Mac, go to Safari > Privacy Report
    • On your Mac, go to “Safari > Privacy Report…”

  • On an iPhone or iPad, hit Size in the Safari address bar and select “Privacy Report”
    • On your iPhone or iPad, click On AA in the address bar of Safari and select “Privacy Report”

Apple uses ITP technology to block cross-site tracking.

Apple uses something called Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) to block cross-site tracking. On by default, you can toggle off Prevent Cross-Site Tracking:

  • On your Mac, go to “Safari > Preferences > Privacy”
  • In iOS/iPadOS, go to “Settings > Safari > Privacy & Security”

The tracker | Cross – site trackers

Some websites allow data-gathering companies called trackers to track your browsing activity. Trackers can track you across multiple sites and combine your activity to provide advertisers with profiles.

Some websites allow data collection companies called trackers to track your browsing activity. Trackers can follow you across multiple websites and combine your activity into a profile for advertisers.

This is usually through scripts, plug-ins, or hidden images. These aren’t all bad, they can enhance the browsing experience.

This is often done through scripts, widgets, or even invisible images. It isn’t inherently bad because it can enhance your browsing experience.

To be clear, Safari does not block these scripts, plugins, and comment forms from running because they break the basic functionality of the site. Safari simply blocks them from accessing cookies.

To clarify, Safari doesn’t keep these scripts, widgets, comment forms, etc. from working because that could break a site’s functionality. It keeps them from accessing your cookies and giving the data to any other site besides the one you are on.

Related: How to Remove Browser Cookies in Safari on macOS

Intelligent Tracking Prevention

Smart Anti-Tracking uses device-side machine learning techniques to identify trackers and prevent them from accessing personally identifiable information. The tracker is known to be independently identified by DuckDuckGo. But this scheme is not optimal, and tracker discovery is sluggish. And DuckDuckGo’s list doesn’t mean Apple’s ITP algorithm is actually tagged. Apple still does analytics through browser behavior.

Intelligent Tracking Prevention uses on-device machine learning to identify trackers and blocks them from accessing identifying information. Known trackers are independently identified by DuckDuckGo, which is regularly updated as new trackers are found, but it isn’t perfect. Just because something appears on the list doesn’t necessarily mean that Apple’s ITP algorithms have actually flagged it yet. Apple still bases what it blocks on your browsing behavior.

Read More: Developer Simo Ahava has an excellent and very detailed look at how ITP works.

Safari tracking IP address protection • Apple iOS 15

Safari and iOS 15 will prevent trackers from hiding the user’s actual IP address

With iOS 15, Safari will block trackers by hiding the user’s real IP address.

Apple’s Privacy Report (Cont.)

Tracker Profiling Badge | Tracker Profiling Badge

Immediately to the left of the address bar in Safari on macOS, You will see the Privacy Report button — it looks like a badge. Click on this, and you will see how many trackers were contacted and blocked for the site you are on. It will also show you a list of all the trackers on the site. The list may be long, so scroll away until your heart is content. Want a little more info? No problem. Click on the info button and the full report will launch.

General Info You will be presented with a host of information, including:

  • the number of trackers prevented from profiling you in the past 30 days
  • the percent of websites visited that contacted trackers
  • which tracker was prevented from profiling you the most

Website View | Websites

Select the Sites TAB to see a list of sites you’ve tried to analyze using the tracker in the last 30 days. And you can see the number of trackers for each site. Click the arrow to expand and see the blocked tracker sites.

If you select the “Websites” tab, you will see a list of all the sites you have visited in the past 30 days with trackers attempting to profile you. It will indicate the number of trackers on each site, and selecting the arrow next to any website will show which were blocked.


When you select the “Trackers” TAB, you can see all the trackers and their owners for the last 30 days. Expand the tracker to see the site to be tracked.

If you select the Trackers “TAB, you will see a list of all the trackers (and who owns them) that have attempted to profile you in the last 30 days and the number of websites you visited where they were found. If you click the arrow next to any tracker, you will see which websites they were.

Report Sampling | Sampling

All the domestic well-known sites sampled were found trackers, while foreign sites such as Google, Twitter and Facebook found trackers of corresponding manufacturers. DuckDuckGo is mainly analyzed by basic GA, Doubleclick and other common trackers.


  • View trackers that are being blocked from tracking you in Safari on your Mac
  • Introduction to cross-domain tracing
  • Third party tracker | Firefox
  • Apple’s Privacy Report, Safari 14, & You.
  • Intelligent Tracking Prevention
  • What is Apple’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention?

The Last | Last

Suggest bookmarking, community-led maintenance of anti-tracking mechanism browser status.

I recommend you bookmark – a community-led initiative to maintain an up-to-date information resource on the current status of browser (and app) tracking protection mechanisms.

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Job requirements

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