1. An error message is displayed

The app privacy information you provided in App Store Connect indicates you collect data in order to track the user, including Precise Location, User ID, Crash Data, Device ID, Other Data Types, Product Interaction, Performance Data, Search History, and Other Diagnostic Data. However, you do not use App Tracking Transparency to request the user’s permission before tracking their activity.

Starting with the iOS 14.5, Apps on the App Store need to receive the user’s permission through the AppTrackingTransparency Framework before collecting data used to track them. This requirement protects the privacy of App Store users.

Next Steps

Here are two ways to resolve this issue:

– If you do not currently track, or decide to stop tracking, update your app privacy information in App Store Connect. You must have the Account Holder or Admin role to update app privacy information.

– If you track users, you must implement App Tracking Transparency and request permission before collecting data used to track. When you resubmit, indicate in the Review Notes where the permission request is located.


– Tracking is linking data collected from your app with third-party data for advertising purposes, or sharing the collected data with a data broker. Learn more about tracking.

– See Frequently Asked Questions about the new requirements for apps that track users.

– Learn more about designing appropriate permission requests.

Bug Fix Submissions

If this is a bug fix submission and you’d like to have it approved at this time, reply to this message in Resolution Center to let us know. You do not need to resubmit your app for us to proceed.

Alternatively, if you’d like to resolve these issues now, please feel free to resubmit. Let us know if you have any questions about the issues we found in our review.

You may appeal your app rejection if you believe this decision was made incorrectly. We also invite you to provide feedback on our review guidelines.

Google Translate:

Guideline 5.1.2 – Law – Privacy – Data Use and sharing

The App privacy information you provide in App Store Connect indicates that you collect data to track users, including precise location, user IDS, crash data, device ids, other data types, product interactions, performance data, search history, and other diagnostic data. However, you don’t use the App Tracking Transparency to request a user’s permission before Tracking their activities.

Starting with iOS 14.5, apps on the App Store need to be approved by users through the AppTrackingTransparency framework before they can collect data to track them. This requirement protects the privacy of App Store users.

The next step

Here are two ways to solve this problem:

– If you are not currently tracking or decide to stop tracking, please update your App privacy information in App Store Connect. You must have the account holder or administrator role to update application privacy information.

– If you track users, you must implement App Tracking Transparency and request permission before collecting data for Tracking. When resubmitting, specify the location of the permission request in the review remarks.


– Tracking is associating data collected from your application with third-party data for advertising purposes, or sharing collected data with a data broker. Learn more about tracing.

– For new requirements for tracking user applications, see FAQs.

– Learn more about designing appropriate permission requests.

Bug fix commit

If this is a bug fix submission and you would like to be approved at this time, please let us know by replying to this message in the resolution Center. You don’t have to resubmit your application to let us continue. Alternatively, if you would like to resolve these issues immediately, please feel free to resubmit. Please let us know if you have any questions about any issues we have identified during our audit.

If you think this decision is wrong, you can appeal the rejection of your application. We also invite you to provide feedback on our audit guidelines.

2. Solutions

2.1. Stop tracing

If you are not currently tracking or decide to stop tracking, please update your App privacy information in App Store Connect.

Apple replied that it would disable the message if there was no tracking information.

Just delete all the data that is used to track you in your app’s privacy. The delete method is in which you select, the last action will ask if you choose to track your data, select no, and then publish.

Then, we replied in the solution center that we had removed the information, please review it again, and it would be approved in 2 to 3 days.

2.2. AppTrackingTransparency

Starting with iOS 14.5, apps on the App Store need to be approved by users through the AppTrackingTransparency framework before they can collect data to track them.

Configure the authorization prompt copy in the info.plist project

< key > NSUserTrackingUsageDescription < / key > < string > this identifier will be used to send you a personalized ads. </string>Copy the code

The implementation code

#import <AdSupport/AdSupport.h>
#import <AppTrackingTransparency/AppTrackingTransparency.h>

- (NSString*)idfa {
    __block NSString *idfa = @"";
    ASIdentifierManager *manager = [ASIdentifierManager sharedManager];
    if (@available(iOS 14, *)) {
        [ATTrackingManager requestTrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler:^(ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatus status) {
            if (status == ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusAuthorized) {
                idfa = [[manager advertisingIdentifier] UUIDString];
        if ([manager isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled]) {
            idfa = [[manager advertisingIdentifier] UUIDString];
    return idfa;
Copy the code

At the first authorization, the following box will pop up.

With permission, we can see our authorization switch in Settings – Privacy – Tracking.