2, configure a number of data sources (H2 database). 3, configure a number of data sources (Mysql database). 【 attach source 】Spring Boot actual combat series – four, log management 【 attach source 】Spring Boot actual combat series – five, transaction abstraction 【 attach source 】Spring Boot actual combat series – six, currency storage database processing

Introducing H2 dependencies

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Create tables and data

When the H2 database is started, schema. SQL and data. SQL in the resource folder are executed by default


create table foo(id int identity, value varchar(64));
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insert into foo(id, value) values(1.'one');
insert into foo(id, value) values(2.'two');
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The core code

* View database connection information * View table dataCopy the code
public class SpringDemoApplication implements CommandLineRunner {
    private DataSource dataSource;
    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(SpringDemoApplication.class, args);

    public void run(String. args) throws Exception { showConnection(); showData(); }/** * Prints database connection information *@throws Exception* /
    private void showConnection() throws Exception{
        log.info("The dataSource =" +dataSource.toString());
        Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
        log.info("Connection=" + conn.toString());

    /** * display data */
    private void showData(){
                .queryForList("select * from foo")
                .forEach(row -> log.info(row.toString()));
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The results

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