ElementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI elementUI

Simplified implementation examples:

< el-table-@row-click ="getRowInfo" > <el-table-column width="50px" label=" select "align="center"> <template slot-scope="scope"> <el-radio v-model="radio" :label="scope.row.id"></el-radio> </template> </el-table>Copy the code
Copy the code
methods:{ getRowInfo(row){ this.radio= row.id; this.rowInfo= row; }}Copy the code
// >>> is the depth selector, must be added. Otherwise, elementUi's component style is not overridden. <style scoped> >>> .el-radio { margin-left: 6px; } >>> .el-radio .el-radio__label { display: none; } </style>Copy the code

But tears and achievement ^_^