Immersive video

Immersive Video

This set of effects is mainly used to seamlessly edit VR/360 videos. GPU acceleration needs to be enabled in preferences.

VR Sphere to Plane

Use this effect to convert mono – or stereo footage to a flat effect.

Common parameters:

Input format: cubic, spherical, spherical projection.

VR Fractal Noise

Common parameters:

Complexity: Adjust the complexity of fractal noise. The higher the value is, the more detailed the fractal noise is. The lower the value, the less detailed the fractal noise.

Evolution: Allows animation of fractal noise using the loop function. The loop speed can change the animation.

Transform: can scale, tilt (X axis), translation (Y axis), roll (Z axis) and other transformation.

VR Sharpen

Adjust the sharpness in the material.

Common parameters:

Sharpening amount: The relative sharpening amount can be adjusted from 0 to 100.

VR Blur

Can be precisely blurred, while adjusting for distortions in spherical projection content.

Common parameters:

Ambiguity: Adjust the convolution kernel radius to control the degree of ambiguity.

VR Converter VR Converter

Use VR converters to convert footage from 2D sources, spherical projections, cube or spherical layouts to other VR layouts. You can also change the orientation of the material and add a logo, superscript, or image patch.

Input and output formats: 2D source (input only), fish-eye (ball screen), Cube Facebook 3:2, cube Pano2VR 3:2, Cube GearVR 6:1, spherical projection 16:9, Cube 4:3, spherical projection 2:1, etc.

VR de-noise

Common parameters:

Noise type: random assignment and salt and pepper two types of noise.

Noise level: The greater the value, the more blurred the picture.

VR Digital Glitch

Common parameters:

Target point: The central position of the effect.

POI scaling: Target point scaling.

POI aspect ratio: target point aspect ratio.

Main amplitude: with a value of 100, all effect Settings remain the same. When the value is 0, all effect Settings shrink from your Settings to 0.

VR Chromatic Aberrations VR Chromatic Aberrations

Common parameters:

Color difference (red, green, blue) : adjust the zooming of the red channel, green channel and blue channel respectively.

Attenuation distance: the higher the value, the clearer the color difference.

VR Plane to Sphere

Use this effect to add text, logos, graphics, and other 2D elements to mono-image or stereoscopic footage.

Common parameters:

Scale: Resizes 2D elements.

Rotation source: Adjusts the X, Y, or Z rotation of the 2D element relative to the anchor point. You can set this parameter to a keyframe.

Rotational projection: X, Y, or Z rotations that adjust the position of elements in a 360-degree spherical environment.

VR Glow

Common parameters:

Luminance threshold: Defines the luminous area in the image.

VR Rotate Sphere VR Rotate Sphere

Common parameters:

Tilt (X axis), pan (Y axis), scroll (Z axis) : Refocus and straighten the horizontal line, and move the camera toward the footage.

VR Color Gradients

Common parameters:

Points: Adjusts the number of points of color applied to the material.

Point: Adjusts the color and target point for each color point. Each target point can be moved independently and can become a key frame.

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