H5 Alipay payment
When receiving payment from H5 mobile phone website Alipay, the form has been sent to the page. Alipay responded to a debugging error. Please return to the source of the request and initiate the request again. Insufficient ISV permission. You are advised to check whether the corresponding function has been added in the developer center.
Encountered this kind of problem, I checked again, here are a few links:
If you have any questions directly ask pay treasure technology service: cschannel.alipay.com/newPortal.h…
Your appid and environment that is officially call the interface: openapi.alipay.com/gateway.do or sandbox interface: The https://openapi.alipaydev.com/gateway.do customer service, he will check to see if you sign up first, I thought before signing, then ask only after know the project manager has not signed a contract successfully, also in the review.
Wechat H5 payment
Then to pay WeChat H5 easy pit: blog.csdn.net/duotemplar/…
Merchant has not configured parameters, please contact the merchant to solve: blog.csdn.net/dsn72745521…
Wechat technology customer service: kf.qq.com/bills/17092…