The introduction

In the blink of an eye, 2020 is drawing to a close.

This year can be said to be a magical year, the outbreak of the epidemic, masks became scarce, the stock market was shut down four times, Kobe Bryant left, Maradona left, understand Wang Chuan teacher did not re-election as president of the United States, long rent apartment thunder……

In this year of witnessing history, my life has also changed a little because I joined Didi.

(Actually, this story also has the previous one: Testing to the Front end – an ordinary story)

Is Dachang really different?

Hello didi, goodbye didi ~

I joined Didi Chuxing on Teachers’ Day last year. Before that, I was doing some front-end business development in Tiger Securities.

It may also be because my working experience is not enough, so I can only touch some business development and follow-up in Tiger. However, some infrastructure projects, basic components, project deployment, operation and maintenance and other things that are more inclined to the bottom will not be involved in ordinary work. In addition, at that time, React – Hook was quite hot, so I spent all weekend translating articles and learning, but neglected to systematically check and fill up the gaps in front-end knowledge. Lead me to feel oneself good weak, and then translate the article self-study also can’t solve, go to training is also impossible, more paranoid think I need to change the environment (🤔 reference before weight loss experience, such as my weight loss failure must not be my own problem, is the gym not to force 😂…

Because the community was more active at that time, which was also a bonus, I finally quit my job and joined Didi. Thanks to the community 🙏

First sight: a little honor, busy and full

After going to Didi, the first thing that impressed me was the activity “in the tree”. I played games with a lot of new employees and learned about the history of Didi. In a trance, I felt like I was in college again. The sense of belonging +1 👍

After joining the team, I no longer just played the role of business development, but was directly responsible for the project and solved various problems. It was a busy and fulfilling time with project PKG dependency conflicts and the development and maintenance of common components.

Working late at night because of PKG dependency issues, see: Remember a Bug that caused Babel upgrade

The next day after going home, before going to bed, I ordered liver protection tablets…

Changed: Make little wheel whiz

After entering dachang, there will be a division of ranks. So, what’s the difference between me and the big guy?

At the end of 19th, I participated in a front-end sharing organized by Didi. On behalf of the group, I talked about the choice of front-end data flow, which belongs to the practice of community technology. Another share from a more senior student is Didi/DI18N, an international solution. At the end of that day, I remembered nothing else, but a thought came to me: Would making wheels make you stronger? So, in the New Year of 2020, I built the wheel for most of the year 🤣.

Here is an excerpt from my resume:

  • Antd-advanced (DANTD) : According to the needs of the team, from 0 to 1 based on ANTDV3 developed an extension component library, a small number of custom hooks, open source. Now it is mainly maintained by myself, while other students in the team raise PR irregularly. (Handed over to the team after leaving)

  • NPM address:…

  • Address: document thedicode. Making. IO/dantd

  • Code repository:…

  • Lightsafire template platform: The template platform is based on the UI library, compatible with various stacks, whether you React, Vue stack, using Antd, ElementUI or iView, you can use this platform to share and find the business template you want. Reduce cost and improve efficiency, help the development of the background, the vision is to solve the front-end development of copy and paste code pain point.

  • The front end uses React + Bisheng to compile the MD document, and the template is deployed separately and displayed through iframe

  • The back end is done using egg, forwarding the GitLab API

  • Cli tools are completed using Node. You can download templates and install dependencies.

  • Pick-react-intl -cli: node- CLI tool, use Node + Babel to parse Ast syntax tree and modify project code, extract international copy in batches, and translate it automatically.

This half year basically has been in peacetime business writing, weekend wheel building cycle. With the pandemic, I have more time to telecommute, which means more time to build wheels.

The amount of code this year is impressive…

It’s not bald, it’s not…

Leave: in order to meet a better self

So, let’s go back to the original question, is it stronger? The answer is affirmative, at least because want to do component library, template, I went to turn over a lot of Antd, ANTD-Pro source code, see them step by step is how to practice, copy the wheel made out, rely on is a word: mang, dry finished.

Made the wheels it is certainly worth a way of learning, but after the principle of research, more knowledge of the system input, output, writing articles and various community feedback loop over and over again, after this wheel can truly show the colour of it should be, from a piece of stone bonzi anchored into the Monkey King.

For me now, though the wheel has fallen to the ground, I have studied very little about how it works. How Bisheng compiled the MD file; How SSR is implemented; Components are packaged as artifacts of CJS, ESM, DIST according to different modular standards. How is the underlying implementation implemented and what happens when referenced in the project?

Although reluctant, I also came to a conclusion: without sufficient breadth and depth of knowledge, time and energy, and feedback from the community in the later stage, some infrastructure can be done to help the business reduce cost and improve efficiency and live better in the future. However, from the perspective of personal development, when I am not strong enough, I should spend more time on the exploration of front-end breadth and research of principles, rather than putting all my energy into building wheels. Later in the interview process, also confirmed my idea.

After trying to understand this matter, the initiation of a retreat. At that time, I was working on 3-4 business lines, 3 iterations of infrastructure construction, and the planning of the team’s future direction of infrastructure construction. I was busy late every day and had little time on weekends. I want to have more time to input, rather than just output, consumption.

After quitting, I got several offers, including Ali and Kuaishou, and finally chose Maimai. Of course, this is the next story, zhang Doudou’s 2020 has come to an end

Anything else

Hip hip

She raised her first dog, corgi, because of her big butt, so she called her butt

After raising 3 months, I found myself not so much time to take care of it, and finally sent it away, thanks for accompanying 🙏

Poppin Training + competition

Dancing is really fun. It’s good to have a hobby

Fat loss camp

I lost 20 jin in two months

It’s time for a meal

However, because interview + go to work later busier fat go back a bit 😂

2021 Keep up the good work

Imperceptibly graduated 5 years, the front end has gradually entered the deep water area. Although I am testing to the front end, the start is a little slower, but now that I have come here, I will not give up.

2021 is a brand new start for me. I hope I can quickly integrate into a new team, get in touch with and handle the big front end, improve the breadth and depth of knowledge to a higher level, and have a smooth, wonderful and fulfilling growth year!

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