IOC design in Spring

The IOC module in Spring can be divided into three roles, corresponding to three top-level interfaces respectively:

Popular understanding:

  • BeanDefinition: a Bean is a book.
  • BeanDefinitionRegistry: a bookcase where books are stored.
  • -Leonard: Well, the BeanFactory is a library.

In our implementation, we also use these three concepts. Let’s take a look at the methods for the three interfaces:


public interface BeanDefinition {
    // 0: not initialized
    // 1 indicates initialization

     * Sets name.
     * @param beanClassName the bean class name
    void setName(String beanClassName);

     * Gets name.
     * @return the name
    String getName(a);

     * Sets instance.
     * @param instance the instance
    void setInstance(Object instance);

     * Gets instance.
     * @return the instance
    Object getInstance(a);

     * Gets bean class.
     * @return bean class
     */Class<? > getBeanClass();/** * Determines whether the bean has been initialized@return status == {@link#STATUS_INITIALIZED} ? * /
    Boolean isInit(a);

     * set status to {@link #STATUS_INITIALIZED}
    void setStatusInitialized(a);
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public interface BeanDefinitionRegistry {

    /** * Register a new Bean **@paramBeanName beans are registered using the name *@paramThe type of beanDefinition bean */
    void registerBean(String beanName, BeanDefinition beanDefinition);

    /** * remove a Bean **@paramBeanName Specifies the name of the Bean to remove */
    void removeBean(String beanName);

    /** * get Bean ** by name@paramBeanName bean name *@returnRegistered {@linkBeanDefinition} * / object
    BeanDefinition getBean(String beanName);

    /** * get Bean * {@link BeanDefinition}
     * @paramBeanName bean name *@paramRequiredType Bean type, which validates *@returnRegistered {@linkBeanDefinition} * / object
    <T> BeanDefinition getBean(String beanName, Class<T> requiredType);

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public interface BeanFactory {

    /** * get bean ** by name@paramBeanName bean name *@returnThe bean name corresponds to the bean */
    BeanDefinition getBeanInstance(String beanName);

    /** * get a bean by name **@paramThe name of the beanName bean@paramRequiredType Bean type *@returnThe bean name corresponds to the bean */
    <T> T getBeanInstance(String beanName, Class<T> requiredType);
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Our IOC class diagram

The default implementation classes have been added to each of the three top-level interfaces, with some important points:

  • BeanDefinitionRegistry uses a Map for storing beans, with Key being the Bean name and Val being BeanDefinition
  • There are three fields in BeanDefinition
    private String beanName;  / / the name of the bean
    private T beanInstance = null; // An instance of the bean
    private final Class<T> beanClass; // The class of the bean
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  • BeanFactory stores the BeanDefinitionRegistry class, which encapsulates the interface to get beans, and is provided externally by the factory