Review my past year’s affairs and understanding, it is not small. I have written too much, if you find it interesting, please give a thumbs up

It is roughly divided into the following modules

First, expand cognition

Two, about the front end

Soft skills

4. Team events

Five, the conclusion

Expand the cognitive

Let’s start with a curly word in the title

Inroll: Refers to irrational internal or “voluntary” competition

That’s a word that’s suddenly on everyone’s lips to describe the current state of the front end.

Here’s a quick list:

  1. Working overtime until the dead of night (sensitive topic) standing up to find everyone in embarrassment
  2. Technology is changing so fast
  3. The interview competition is very fierce.

There’s so much more….

About work

Excerpted from The book Insight – work is our means of living, one unit gives us a job and we finish the task, the unit pays us salary and bonus, then it’s even.

A job is a job, a career is a career, a career can be very long (if you don’t change industries), a job may be very short, the scope of ability > stage scope, should have more opportunities, if not, you can also have their own choice.

We and the company should be a two-way selection process, the company gives us the value of the time equal to the money, and finally we take the money to exchange for other people’s time.

First, how to treat overtime

Hangzhou will welcome the Asian Games in 2022, and the leaders of the subway building under the Wechat Hospital building are forced by the demand. They rush around the clock including weekends (Amway noise-canceling headphones), not to mention other professions. Compared with them, workers, doctors, soldiers, etc., maybe they can sit in the workplace and occasionally touch a little bit of food

Compared with traditional companies or software companies, Internet companies are bound to have endless demands. Some people feel uncomfortable when they do not finish their work (I used to). I advise these donors to adjust their mentality, save the hairline and have a good sleep.

This is not a Buddhist work, there is no deadLine concept; It’s about doing things that are meaningful and have higher priorities, or it’s really a heartless code machine.

The front end is young, remember not to jump too much!! If the special period really did not live, appropriate stay to study, think about the problems encountered in the work, or even fight with colleagues.

Second, the phase

Every company is at a different stage. Most companies are in the developing stage, and some operations may be difficult to understand. After all, our leaders may be leaders for the first time and learn good things.

As for the bad thing, I prefer it to be a challenging thing, as the stage is as big as the heart. I always believe that having game-breaking experience in career development will enhance the sense of achievement and team cohesion. If you fail, it will not affect your mood.

Good stage selection will lead to good career development. Company business, salary matching, good leader, team atmosphere and so on are all factors. The most important thing is to find a right leader.

About tide.

Business line optimization, if it is cut business line that is equal to the lottery, the usual accumulation will be able to get the opportunity to transfer, this time if you are an unknown person, it can start the disadvantage, establish a personal image is very important.

Team ahead will there is a tide in process, could be a company may be the cause of the team, one is with the team to run the quota of people don’t exist, the second is still need to own hard while the iron is hot, the third is to meet the beat of life, it is better to choose a thing or two, if it is in front of the three ~ ~ said overcome this experience professional one step will rise

And, of course, life stage, family pressure, loans will make a different choice, met the family rich classmate pursuit of balance in work and life for all don’t understand, also seen very frugal eat an egg every day the students, their naked don’t bring, healthy and happy is the most important (injured have recently retired basketball fitness expense).

On the front

First, the real frequency of technological update is too fast and the competition is fierce

Here I put it all down to one thing: the source of the pain of anxiety comes from the perception of the front end.

Recently, the team just joined a girl intern. At the beginning, we gave her a direction to study every day, and we also set regular goals for her to learn technology and cultivate her way of thinking in a direction. After a period of time, the pressure will be transferred to our head, and we see the new forces who are more eager to learn and work harder. I can not help but sigh that the education in the school is so good, and even some training courses are unified with The Times. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves before, and the waves before die on the beach.

Technical thinking, Talk is cheap, show me the code.

Technical people are very simple and think that technology is everything, and the level of technology determines the value of people. They used to be people who would feel humiliated if they did not know knowledge. This obsession drives you to mistakenly think that you need to know all technologies, and this mentality is one of the reasons why you feel tired and introverted.

Front-end technology must be updated faster in proportion to community activity. . All cross-ends, micro-front-end and serverLess are not silver bullets, but solutions to problems. All frameworks, UI libraries and scaffolding are the products of improving development efficiency and eliminating technology and high cost. All design patterns and algorithms are basic skills of programmers.

Comparing learning speed and technical reserves is a bottomless pit. After all, we must see the essence through the phenomenon, learn the way to think about problems, and cultivate the ability to solve problems.

Interview team in the second half of this year for a long time, some students had a second interview on the three time hang up, why, may be a lack of overlooking the force, said the implementation details, questions why, ask a few more embarrassed when I was in order to solve the problem in situ, vertigo, 2 s, giant technology does not necessarily apply to all scenarios, Good programmers learn to do the right thing at the right time.

Try to look at the front end in a different way, maybe the track will be different

Second, the positioning

The experience is led by the interaction designer, and the core logic is led by the server. The front end is easily caught in the middle of the left and right for the man, reduced to a tool man (cut diagram son).

The outermost layer is the life cycle of our project delivery. In this big closed loop, the front end communicates with students of different positions in different fields. At first glance, it seems that all processes involve the front end.

Secondly, have a bit very important, only after finish the work in the front of the entire project to test, it was decided to project the overall progress of the core node, so often be reversed transmission time server, products, designers, appear extremely weak, and all kinds of work is not harmonious factor (this in the soft skills will mention).

The front end is a sponge that can absorb all kinds of information in a link, and because of this, the front end must be the person on the team who has a better chance of identifying problems and changing the situation.

I just touched the head of the front-end mid-platform architecture team, but I thought it was too cool. I tried my best to build wheels to empower business.

I went down the line of business and didn’t know what to do, and it took me a long time to get over that.

The biggest difference is to look at things from a different Angle, more often to catch bugs and find problems in development from an objective perspective.

As mentioned above, the stage of the company drives our decision, so does the front-end architecture. Throughout the market, self-developed engineering, automation, Lowcode, CR, etc., are mostly problems in the process, which is also the problem of 90% of the companies. It is precisely our mid-stage architecture that tries to do things from 0 to 1. Through the cross-end, multi-function and GUI capabilities of the front end, the process system can establish standardized content and gradually eliminate individual differences. Various platform-based, service-oriented and higher-level architectures may still be in the future.

The dimension of business architecture is higher. At present, front-end direct -> business architecture still requires a lot of non-front-end knowledge accumulation.

Soft skills

A, communication,

  1. Business satisfaction: good cooperation can make the front end gradually dominate the speech
  2. Reduce pseudo work: some things in the demand review must say the tear tear, for their own fight for everyone
  3. Understand the real demands and influence the business: express your understanding of the business and escape from Chetuzai
  4. Upward communication: there is no need to report dirty and tiring work. Some work is taken initiative to report key nodes and important events
  5. Be sure to reply: be sure to reply to the question, even if it is not your own to clarify

These things look easy but they’re hard to do, and there’s a lot of methodology to explore.

Second, to minister

The ability to get things done

  1. Invigorate the atmosphere, social butterfly within and outside the group, and improve the little talent (the initiator of lunch improvement)
  2. Basketball Boy, I play basketball at noon, feel sleepy in the afternoon, and work overtime in the evening.
  3. Promote technology, especially cross departments, must have thick skin (at this time rely on the usual accumulated favors)
  4. Step up to bear the pain point and pull the team to solve the problem. Execution is the key

Writing & Speaking

  1. Writing ability can be acquired, but the awareness of the need to write must be insisted on, demand documentation is also not aware of writing will not have the ability to say

  2. Making speeches is my weakness, and I have made a big step this year. I hope I can have the opportunity to practice myself more (a bonus in the promotion of defense).

These are add-ons, but add-ons are the things that make people different. Technology will go away. Soft skills must be universal

The team event

There’s a lot of new blood coming in and out of this year, everyone is great and there’s a lot to learn, I hope everyone can be healthy and happy.

A challenge,

Business exploded in the second half of the year, and we also ensured that the output of the architecture was not delayed, qiang ah 👍!

  1. Low Code: Because we are the middle-stage ability, most of us are the management background. CRUD Code can be configured with some simple Code logic through Code templates, which can be easily controlled by non-front-end students, liberating certain productivity

  2. Value: Queuing requirements, with an adequate assessment of business priorities as understood by the business

  3. Teamwork: Help each other within the team

  4. Minimum Deliverable Unit: All architectural products reach a minimum expectation before going live and solving problems before iteration

  5. Interview: Everyone can participate in different interview sessions to improve themselves while interviewing others

  6. CodeReview: Cr post, the goal is to explore the way code is written, can improve code readability

  7. Eslint: The Eslint specification is unified

Our team atmosphere is very good, and the goal is relatively unified, which is one of the reasons for our execution and cohesion.

Second, team activities

  1. Technology to share

  1. Front-end knowledge contest

  1. All kinds of party building

I don’t want to show pictures of multiplayer movements


Thank you, boss, for pushing me this year.

For a change of perspective, laugh at the inner roll, upstream.

2021 ducks!

Denver annual essay | 2020 technical way with me The campaign is under way…

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