The scene that

Console. log is commonly used for debugging during project development. After development, remove console.log or ignore console.log in the code before deploying it online

The solution

  • By configuring plug-ins, for exampleuglifyjs-webpack-plugin(Slow packing)
  • Solve for yourself: Rewriteconsole.logMethod (does not affect packaging speed)

Since the company project uses vue-cli2, all things considered, rewrite the console.log method; In the code

function rewirteLog() {
  console.log = (function (log) {
    return process.env.NODE_ENV == 'production' ? function () { } : log
Copy the code


  1. Write a method to determine if it is a production environment and override it if it isconsole.logMethods;
  2. inmain.jsFile to call this method

Write in the last

My name is AndyHu and I am currently working as a front-end brick moving engineer.

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Let the soul control its own skin. Thus more freedom!!