Author: HelloGitHub- Dried fish

When you see utility as the key word of the week, you should know that this week’s GitHub hot list is mostly for old projects, such as k6, a well-known performance testing tool that allows you to run tests under high load in pre-production and QA environments. Baidu’s open source, amis, a low-code framework for the front end, is also a practical way to create pages without even knowing the front end. Of course, there are some new items on the list this week, such as object detection based U^ 2-NET, which you can see Trending every day. As an image processing tool, it’s Trending as often as it’s useful. Tinygrad, a small, open source deep learning framework by George Hotz, is also a combination of PyTorch and Micrograd, which is extremely useful. And of course there’s Directus, a data management platform for non-techies…

The following is an excerpt from GitHub Trending and Hacker News hot post (HN Hot post for short) on weibo @helloGithub. Newly released | | practical and interesting, according to the project classification, the release time release time not more than 7 day program will be marked New, without the mark shows the project release more than one week. Due to the limited space in this paper, there are some projects not shown in this paper, please refer to 🌝

  • This article directory
      1. This week, pushing
      • 1.1 Photo to Portrait: U^ 2-NET
      • 1.2 Open-source data platform: Directus
      1. Making Trending Zhou Bang
      • 2.1 Lightweight target detection: NanoDet
      • 2.2 Capturing confidential Information about short Links: URlHunter
      • 2.3 Flash Player simulator: Ruffle
      • Another online shopping mall system: SuperMarket
      • 2.5 Performance test tool: K6
      • 2.6 Small deep learning framework: Tinygrad
      • 2.7 Front-end low code framework: AMIS
      1. Recommended reading

1. Tweet this week

1.1 Photo to Portrait: U^ 2-NET

Star growth this week: 1350+

U^ 2-NET applies the deep network architecture U-NET to salient Object detection (SOD), which can turn a photo into a portrait painting. The following figure is the realization principle and effect diagram respectively.

Making address –…

1.2 Open-source data platform: Directus

Star growth this week: 1150+

Directus wraps your new/existing SQL database with the real-time GraphQL + REST API and provides intuitive management App management data for non-technical users. Features:

  • Free and open source
  • REST and GraphQL API: Immediately add a fast Node.js API layer to your database
  • Pure SQL management: Running existing SQL databases can also assist in building new architectures from scratch
  • Optional database: support PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, OracleDB, MariaDB and MS-SQL
  • Self-hosting: Select hosts and infrastructure, run locally, and deeply integrate locally
  • Extensible: Easily customizable modular platform
  • Modern panel: Vue.js manages the App safely and intuitively, requiring no training at all for non-technical users

Making address –…

2. GitHub Trending Weekly

2.1 Lightweight target detection: NanoDet

Star growth this week: 1400+

New NanoDet is an ultra-fast lightweight anchorless object detection model that supports real-time mobile devices. Features:

  • ⚡ Super lightweight: Model file is only 1.8MB.
  • ⚡ Super fast: 97 FPS (10.23 ms) on an ARM CPU.
  • 😎 Training friendly: GPU memory costs are much lower than other models. Batch-size 80 is available on the GTX1060 6G.
  • 😎 easy to deploy: C++ implementation and Android demo based on NCNN inference framework.

Making address –…

2.2 Capturing confidential Information about short Links: URlHunter

Star growth this week: 700+

New UrlHunter allows you to search short link services such as and for private information. Demonstration use cases: For cyber intelligence and vulnerabilities, e.g.

  • Keywords can be found in Acme company’s public Google Docs&Drive sharing link;
  •,password_reset_tokenKeywords can be found at working password reset token;
  • trello.comPublic Trello addresses can be found.

Making address –…

2.3 Flash Player simulator: Ruffle

Star growth this week: 650+

Ruffle is a Flash Player emulator built in the Rust programming language that allows you to continue to run distant Flash content. It is open source, cross-platform, supports Windows, macOS, Linux, And Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Safari extensions that will make flash-only sites work again without requiring users to install Flash Player.

Making address –…

Another online shopping mall system: SuperMarket

Star growth this week: 250+

SuperMarket is a well-designed online shopping mall system, including front end, back end, database, load balancing, database cache, etc., using the SpringCloud framework, code strictly follow the MVC layering idea.

Making address –…

2.5 Performance test tool: K6

Star growth this week: 1850+

K6 is a high-performance load testing tool that can run tests under high loads in pre-production and QA environments. Features:

  • Scripting with ES6 JS: Support modules for code reuse across the organization
  • Code is all: for version-friendly purposes, the test logic and configuration options are all in JS
  • Automation-friendly: Check (e.g. implies) and thresholds to achieve simple and flexible CI configuration
  • Supports HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, WebSocket and gRPC protocols
  • TLS features: Client certificate, configurable SSL/TLS version and password
  • Out of the box: cookies, encryption, custom metrics, coding, environment variables, JSON, HTML forms, files, flexible execution controls, and more.
  • Built-in HAR converters: Record browser sessions as.har files and convert them directly to K6 scripts
  • Flexible metric storage and visualization: InfluxDB (+Grafana), JSON or K6 cloud

Making address –…

2.6 Small deep learning framework: Tinygrad

Star growth this week: 1250+

Tinygrad is a small deep learning framework opened by George Hotz, a well-known American hacker. The code is less than 1K lines, and it has the functions of PyTorch and Micrograd.

Making address –…

2.7 Front-end low code framework: AMIS

Star growth this week: 1250+

Amis front-end low code framework, through JSON configuration can generate a variety of background pages, greatly reduce development costs, even without the need to understand the front end. At present, it is widely used in the front-end development of internal platform in Baidu, and has been used by 100+ departments and created 3W + pages.

– > making address

3. Recommended reading

  • GitHub Hot TAB Vol.47
  • Make Dev Great Again — GitHub

This is GitHub Trending for the 48th working week of 2020 🎉 If you Pick up other fun and useful GitHub projects, be sure to share them with us in the HelloGitHub Issue section 🌝