Writing in the front
I still remember the scene when I went back to Xiamen for an interview after graduation. My boss asked me do you have any plans? I say 3 years intermediate 5 years senior, true not kui is my Jiangsu comes out, go where all get 5 + 3. Now it’s been three and a half years, and I feel like this is my level? When it doesn’t seem like a good idea to go on doing nothing at all, do something that at least appears to be worthwhile. For example, look at how many months it will take to complete this list of articles.
Functional programming
- Read functional programming in one sitting
Promise and async/await and generators
- Try to see if you can simulate an async/await with the Promise + generator
Vue source
- One breath to see the Vue source
- The creation of the Vue constructor
- What have Vue.com Ponent and Vue.extend done?
- Vue-Router
- Vuex
- Publish subscribe and observer patterns
Shake and throttling
Prototype chains and inheritance
Webpack principle
Let’s leave it at that.