Singleton built-in object: Any object provided by an ECMAScript implementation, independent of the host environment, and existing at the beginning of execution of an ECMAScript program. That is, the built-in object itself is already instantiated. Common built-in objects are: Object, Array, String, Global, and Math.


It is the most special object because code does not explicitly access it. In fact, both Global variables and Global functions become properties of the Global. IsNaN (), isFinite(), parseInt(), and parseFloat() are all actually Global methods.

Encoding and decoding

let url=" value.js#start"
encodeURI(url)          //
encodeURIComponent(url) //
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The eval () method

It is a complete ECMAScript interpreter that takes a single parameter, the ECMAScript string to be executed:

eval("console.log('hello')")    //hello
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In general, the code that eval() executes belongs to the context in which the call is made, and the code executed has the same scope chain as the context:

let msg="hello"
eval("console.log(msg)")    //hello
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eval("function sayHi(){console.log('hi')}")
sayHi() //hi
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eval("let msg="hello") console.log(msg) //helloCopy the code

In strict mode, executing eval() creates a new context. In this case, the outside cannot access the inside, but the inside can access the outside.

Global object properties

The window object

Although Global cannot be accessed directly, the browser proxies the Window object for the Glocal object. Therefore, all variables and functions declared in the global scope become properties of the window.

Get the Global object

When a function is executed without explicitly specifying this, this is equal to the Global object.

let global=function(){
    return this} ();Copy the code


ECMAScript provides Math objects as a place to store mathematical formulas, information, and calculations.

Math properties

These properties are mainly used to hold special values in mathematics:

Math methods

Take the maximum and minimum

Math.min( / / 1
Math.max( / / 5
// You can use the extension operator for arrays
let arr=[]
Math.max(... arr)/ / 5
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let num=1.5
Math.ceil(num)  / / 2
Math.floor(num) / / 1
Math.round(num) / / 2
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The random number

Math.random()   / / 0.932879007220689
/ / 1 ~ 10
// Take 2 to 9:* indicates the total number, + indicates the minimum number
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