Developers who are interested in Android 11 development tips and how to make it work have already picked up a few of our posts — after all, to make a great Android 11 game, you need to be fully aware of all the new features and changes, as well as the tips for migrating apps and other developers’ success stories. So, is there a “secret book” that captures all of this?

Free, informative, with a copy in handAndroid 11 Developer ManualTake a look.

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Quick overview of the manual

  • Chapter 1 Overview

    Learn more about Android 11’s highlights, privacy changes, behavior changes that affect apps, new features and apis.

  • Chapter 2 Getting started with Android 11

    Quickly learn how to get Android 11, how to set up the SDK in Android Studio, and how to build and run your application on Android 11.

  • Chapter 3 Android 11 Migration Guide

    Learn how to migrate to Android 11, how to test your application compatibility with Android 11, and share with third-party compatibility testing platforms.

  • Chapter 4 Developer cases

    Developers who have migrated to Android 11 share their latest practices.

  • Chapter 5 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Chapter vi Related resources

    You can quickly find “related resources” such as the Android developer’s Chinese website, wechat official account and video section.

To make sure you’re up to date on Android 11 development, this manual will be updated regularly. Let us know in the comments section what you would like to see in future editions of the manual by sharing your comments and suggestions.

When you use some of the features or features described in this manual, they may have changed, please follow the instructions in the corresponding product or visit the Android developer website.

Look forward to seeing your app on Android 11!