I have a friend…

His name is Xiao Xing. He’s a north drifter programmer.

Xiao Xing is old and single. The family is very worried, xiao Xing is also very worried.

However, the little star got up and looked at the twinkle, twinkle, twinkle…

— All bald, foot cutters…

A while ago very not easy to come to an intern girl, give small star belt, small star happy bad, the result girl didn’t stay for three days, can’t stand the company’s ninety-six run.

Therefore, the department completely become a monk department, draw sword four gu Heart vacant, see girl only male.

404 (Not Found) : Server could Not find resource based on client request

Old mama called again urge, small star say work is busy, do not have female colleague.

Mom asked if the little beauty you grew up with is still in touch?

Amy's a married woman, and the kids are gonna call her Daddy.

  • 301 (Moved Permanently) : Permanently move. The requested resource has been permanently moved to the new URI.

What about that Jing you talked about in college?

Xiaojing has started over and found a new boyfriend.

302 (Found) : Temporary movement. Similar to 301. But resources are moved only temporarily.

I’ll set you up on a blind date.

What…… All right.

May Day home, mom arranged a blind date for the small star. Small star withered head head head to see the little sister, did not expect, little sister is quite white, small star all of a sudden on the edge up.

Small star happily and sister chatted up. The girl said that she had recently been to Xi ‘an, usually go swimming, like to eat some snacks.

— This, the working rhythm of ninety-six basic deprived the amateur life of small star, small star cold sweat repeatedly, can only “eh”, “ah”.

Finally, the sister asked, how is your job?

The face of the little star suddenly turned red, with a holy color in his eyes.

Do you know how to build a high concurrency architecture that can handle hundreds of millions of streams? Do you know of several ways to ensure idempotency with high concurrency? Do you know of several ways to make Redis highly available... Ah! Ah

400 (Bad Request) : The syntax of the client Request is incorrect and the server cannot understand it.

Sister said, I had a wind and felt a headache, so I'll call it a day.

500 (Internal Server Error) : the request cannot be completed due to an Internal Server Error.

Small star dejected to go home, mom a look at the small star like this, know what the situation.

— It doesn’t matter. I have a second match for you tomorrow. Have a good rest and prepare for it.

Little star night insomnia, tossing and turning.

What will the girl look like tomorrow? Is it much different from the picture? It’s supposed to be gentle, right? …

At midnight, Xiao Xing finally fell asleep.

Xiao Xing had a good dream. He was with a girl named Xiao Meng. After a while, the star wanted to have a cameo appearance 乛 one item 乛 unattractive, awfully ° ͜ awfully ° awfully.

403 (Forbidden) : The server understands the request from the client but refuses to execute the request.

But can not bear the soft and hard bubble of small star, or… There was a death, but the baby couldn’t be born.

Because there is no marriage license and birth permit.

401 (Unauthorized) : The request requires AUTHENTICATION information that is authenticated through HTTP (BASIC and DIGEST).

Later, Xiao Xing and Xiao Meng got married, gave birth to a lovely child, and the three of them lived a happy life.

200 (OK) : The request succeeded.

Suddenly, a sister jumped out.

Boy, you didn’t give me enough money for the bride price. Let me prick you!

The little star woke up suddenly.

Well, it was just a dream.

The day has been bright, small star strong spirit, to attend today’s blind date.

As for the results, they are explained in the title.

Pure nonsense, don’t take it seriously! — “Let you spend your free time enjoying my pain.”


[1] : Romance: alternative parsing of common HTTP status codes