0 Album Overview

Etcd is an important foundation component in the cloud native architecture and is incubated and hosted by CNCF. Etcd can be used not only as service registration and discovery, but also as middleware for key-value storage in microservices and Kubernates clusters.

“Thoroughly Understand ETCD series of articles” will be from the basic function of ETCD practice, API interface, implementation principle, source code analysis, as well as the implementation of the pit experience and other aspects of the specific introduction of ETCD. It is expected that there will be about 20 articles, I will continue to update every week, welcome to pay attention to.

1 Practical application of ETCDCTL

Previous articles have introduced etCD concepts, multiple installation methods for single and cluster devices, and etCD secure communication. This article introduces the common commands and operations of etcd based on etcdctl.

Etcdctl is a command line client that provides concise commands for users to interact directly with the ETCD service without using the HTTP API. This allows us to test the service or manually modify the database content. We can get familiar with this operation by etdctl at first. These operations basically correspond to the HTTP API. Etcdctl also behaves in completely different ways under two different versions of ETCD.

export ETCDCTL_API=2
export ETCDCTL_API=3
Copy the code

I’ll focus on API 3 here.

The etCDCTL tool is already included in the binary distribution of the ETCD project, and commands supported by etcdCTL are broadly divided into database operations and non-database operations.

2 Common commands

Take a look at the etCD version first:

$etcd --version etcd version: 3.4.7 Git SHA: e784ba73c Go version: go1.12.12 Go OS/Arch: Linux/AMD64Copy the code

Our version is etcd 3.4.7. Here are the commands commonly used by etcdctl.

$ etcdctl -h

	etcdctl - A simple command line client forEtcd3. USAGE: etcdctl [flags] VERSION: 3.4.7 API VERSION: 3.4 COMMANDS: alarm disarm Disarms all alarms alarm list Lists all alarms authdisable		Disables authentication
	auth enable		Enables authentication
	check datascale		Check the memory usage of holding data fordifferent workloads on a given server endpoint. check perf Check the performance of the etcd cluster compaction Compacts  the eventhistory in etcd
	defrag			Defragments the storage of the etcd members with given endpoints
	del			Removes the specified key or range of keys [key, range_end)
	elect			Observes and participates in leader election
	endpoint hashkv		Prints the KV history hash for each endpoint in --endpoints
	endpoint health		Checks the healthiness of endpoints specified in `--endpoints` flag
	endpoint status		Prints out the status of endpoints specified in `--endpoints` flag
	get			Gets the key or a range of keys
	help			Help about any command
	lease grant		Creates leases
	lease keep-alive	Keeps leases alive (renew)
	lease list		List all active leases
	lease revoke		Revokes leases
	lease timetolive	Get lease information
	lock			Acquires a named lock
	make-mirror		Makes a mirror at the destination etcd cluster
	member add		Adds a member into the cluster
	member list		Lists all members in the cluster
	member promote		Promotes a non-voting member in the cluster
	member remove		Removes a member from the cluster
	member update		Updates a member in the cluster
	migrate			Migrates keys in a v2 store to a mvcc store
	move-leader		Transfers leadership to another etcd cluster member.
	put			Puts the given key into the store
	role add		Adds a new role
	role delete		Deletes a role
	role get		Gets detailed information of a role
	role grant-permission	Grants a key to a role
	role list		Lists all roles
	role revoke-permission	Revokes a key from a role
	snapshot restore	Restores an etcd member snapshot to an etcd directory
	snapshot save		Stores an etcd node backend snapshot to a given file
	snapshot status		Gets backend snapshot status of a given file
	txn			Txn processes all the requests in one transaction
	user add		Adds a new user
	user delete		Deletes a user
	user get		Gets detailed information of a user
	user grant-role		Grants a role to a user
	user list		Lists all users
	user passwd		Changes password of user
	user revoke-role	Revokes a role from a user
	version			Prints the version of etcdctl
	watch			Watches events stream on keys or prefixes

      --cacert=""				verify certificates of TLS-enabled secure servers using this CA bundle
      --cert=""					identify secure client using this TLS certificate file
      --command-timeout=5s			timeout for short running command (excluding dial timeout)
      --debug[=false]				enable client-side debug logging
      --dial-timeout=2s				dial timeout for client connections
  -d, --discovery-srv=""			domain name to query for SRV records describing cluster endpoints
      --discovery-srv-name=""Service name to query when using DNS discovery --endpoints=[] gRPC endpoints -h, --help[=false]				help for etcdctl
      --hex[=false]				print byte strings as hex encoded strings
      --insecure-discovery[=true]		accept insecure SRV records describing cluster endpoints
      --insecure-skip-tls-verify[=false]	skip server certificate verification
      --insecure-transport[=true]		disable transport security for client connections
      --keepalive-time=2s			keepalive time for client connections
      --keepalive-timeout=6s			keepalive timeout for client connections
      --key=""					identify secure client using this TLS key file
      --password=""				password for authentication (if this option is used, --user option shouldn't include password) --user="" username[:password] for authentication (prompt if password is not supplied) -w, --write-out="simple" set the output format (fields, json, protobuf, simple, table)Copy the code

Etcdctl supports the following commands:

--debug Displays the CURL command to display the requests initiated when the command is executed --no-sync Indicates that the cluster information is not synchronized before the request is sent --output, -o'simple'--peers, -c specifies information about peers in the cluster, separated by commas (default:"") --cert-file SSL certificate file used by the client in HTTPS --key-file SSL key file used by the client in HTTPS --ca-file When the server uses HTTPS, Use the CA file for verification --help, -h Displays help command information --version, -v prints version informationCopy the code

Let’s look at some of the common database commands.

3 Database Operations

Database operations revolve around the management of the full lifecycle of CRUD (add, delete, change, search, REST style API operations) for keys and directories.

Etcd uses a hierarchical spatial structure in the organization of keys (similar to the concept of directories in a file system). User-specified keys can be individual names, such as: Testkey is stored under the root directory /, or a specified directory structure, such as /cluster1/node2/testkey, will be created.

3.1 key operational

  • Set specifies the value of a key. Such as:

    $ etcdctl put /testdir/testkey "Hello world"
    $ etcdctl put /testdir/testkey2 "Hello world2"
    $ etcdctl put /testdir/testkey3 "Hello world3"
    Copy the code

    Three pairs of keys were successfully written: /testdir/testkey, /testdir/ testKey2, and /testdir/ testKey3.

  • Get Gets the value of the specified key. Such as:

    $ etcdctl get /testdir/testkey
    Hello world
    Copy the code
  • Get Reads the specified value in hexadecimal format:

    $ etcdctl get /testdir/testkey --hex
    \x2f\x74\x65\x73\x74\x64\x69\x72\x2f\x74\x65\x73\x74\x6b\x65\x79 # key
    \x48\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f\x20\x77\x6f\x72\x6c\x64 # value
    Copy the code

    Add –print-value-only to read the corresponding value.

  • Values in the get range

     $ etcdctl get /testdir/testkey /testdir/testkey3
    Hello world
    Hello world2
    Copy the code

    /testdir/ testKey < /testdir/ testKey3 Testkey3 is not in the scope because the scope is a half-open interval [testkey, testKey3] and does not contain testKey3.

  • Gets all key-value pairs for a prefix, which can be specified with –prefix:

    $ etcdctl get --prefix /testdir/testkey
    Hello world
    Hello world2
    Hello world3
    Copy the code

    This will get all key-value pairs starting with /testdir/testkey. When prefixes get too many results, you can also limit the number of results by –limit=2:

    etcdctl get --prefix --limit=2 /testdir/testkey
    Copy the code
  • An application that reads the value of a previous version of a key may want to read the value of the substituted key. For example, an application might want to roll back and forth to an old configuration by accessing a previous version of a key. Alternatively, an application may want to get a unified view of multiple keys through multiple requests that can be made by accessing the key history. Because each change to the key-value store on an ETCD cluster increases the global revision version of the ETCD cluster, an application can read the replaced key by providing an old modified version of etCD. The following key-value pairs are available:

    foo = bar         # revision = 2
    foo1 = bar2       # revision = 3
    foo = bar_new     # revision = 4
    foo1 = bar1_new   # revision = 5
    Copy the code

    Here is an example of accessing a previous version of key:

    $ etcdctl get --prefix foo Access the latest version of key
    $ etcdctl get --prefix --rev=4 foo # access version 4 key
    $ etcdctl get --prefix --rev=3 foo Access the third version of key
    $ etcdctl get --prefix --rev=2 foo Access the third version of key
    $ etcdctl get --prefix --rev=1 foo Access the first version of key
    Copy the code
  • An application may want to read a key with a byte value greater than or equal to the specified key. Suppose the ETCD cluster already has the following keys:

    a = 123
    b = 456
    z = 789
    Copy the code

    Read a key with a byte value greater than or equal to key B:

    $ etcdctl get --from-key b
    Copy the code
  • The delete key. An application can remove a key or a specific range of keys from an ETCD cluster. Suppose the ETCD cluster already has the following keys:

    foo = bar
    foo1 = bar1
    foo3 = bar3
    zoo = val
    zoo1 = val1
    zoo2 = val2
    a = 123
    b = 456
    z = 789
    Copy the code

    The command to delete key foo:

    $ etcdctl del foo
    1 # delete a key
    Copy the code

    Delete keys from foo to foo9 range:

    $ etcdctl del foo foo9
    2 # delete two keys
    Copy the code

    Delete key zoo and return the deleted key-value pair:

    $ etcdctl del --prev-kv zoo
    1   A key has been deleted
    zoo # Deleted key
    val The value of the deleted key
    Copy the code

    Delete keys prefixed with zoo:

    $ etcdctl del --prefix zoo
    2 # delete two keys
    Copy the code

    Delete a key whose byte value is greater than or equal to key b:

    $ etcdctl del --from-key b
    2 # delete two keys
    Copy the code

3.2 Historical changes of Watch

  • Watch monitors the change of a key value, and as soon as the key value is updated, it prints the latest value and exits. For example, the testkey is updated to Hello Watch.

    $ etcdctl watch  testkey
    Etcdctl put testKey Hello watch
    Hello watch
    Copy the code

    Key commands from foo to foo9 range:

    $ etcdctl watch foo foo9
    # on another terminal: etcdctl put foo bar
    Etcdctl put foo1 bar1 on another terminal
    Copy the code

    The command to observe on key foo in hexadecimal format:

    $ etcdctl watch foo --hex
    # on another terminal: etcdctl put foo bar
    \x66\x6f\x6f          # key
    \x62\x61\x72          # value
    Copy the code

    Observe multiple keys foo and zoo commands:

    $ etcdctl watch -i
    $ watch foo
    $ watch zoo
    # on another terminal: etcdctl put foo bar
    Etcdctl put zoo val on another terminal
    Copy the code
  • To view the history of key changes, an application may want to observe the history of key changes in etCD. For example, an application wants to receive all changes to a key. If the app is always connected to etCD, then watch is good enough. However, if the application or ETCD fails, the change may occur during the error so that the application does not receive the update in real time. In order for updates to be delivered, the application must be able to observe key history changes. To do this, the application can specify a historical revision while observing, just as it reads the past version of the key. Suppose we complete the following sequence of operations:

    $ etcdctl put foo bar         # revision = 2
    $ etcdctl put foo1 bar1       # revision = 3
    $ etcdctl put foo bar_new     # revision = 4
    $ etcdctl put foo1 bar1_new   # revision = 5
    Copy the code

    Observe historical changes:

    # Observe key 'foo' changes from revision 2
    $ etcdctl watch --rev=2 foo
    Copy the code

    Observe from the last historical change:

    # Observe the change on key 'foo' and return the modified value and the value of the last revision
    $ etcdctl watch --prev-kv foo
    Etcdctl put foo bar_latest
    foo         # key
    bar_new     # the previous value of the key foo before modification
    foo         # key
    bar_latest  # change the value of the key foo
    Copy the code
  • Compressed version revision. As we mentioned, ETCD saves the revised version so that the application can read the previous version of the key. However, to avoid accumulating an infinite amount of historical data, it becomes important to compress past revisions. After compression, ETCD removes historical revisions, freeing resources for future use. All data replaced before the revision is compressed will not be accessible. Here is the command to compress the revised version:

    $ etcdctl compact 5
    compacted revision 5 Any revisions prior to the compressed revision are not accessible
    $ etcdctl get --rev=4 foo
    {"level":"warn"."ts":"The T16 2020-05-04: came. 020 + 0800"."caller":"clientv3/retry_interceptor.go:62"."msg":"retrying of unary invoker failed"."target":"The endpoint: / / client - c07 c0d35565-0584-4 - bfeb - 034773278656/"."attempt": 0."error":"rpc error: code = OutOfRange desc = etcdserver: mvcc: required revision has been compacted"}
    Error: etcdserver: mvcc: required revision has been compacted
    Copy the code

3.3 the lease

  • Lease grant Applications can grant leases to keys in an ETCD cluster. When a key is attached to a lease, its live time is bound to the lease’s live time, which is managed by time-to-live (TTL) accordingly. The minimum TTL value for each lease at lease grant is specified by the application. The actual TTL value of the lease is not less than the minimum TTL, which is selected by the ETCD cluster. Once the TTL of the lease expires, the lease expires and all attached keys are deleted.

    Grant lease with TTL of 100 seconds
    $ etcdctl lease grant 100
    lease 694d71ddacfda227 granted with TTL(10s)
    # append key foo to lease 694d71ddACfda227
    $ etcdctl put --lease=694d71ddacfda227 foo10 bar
    Copy the code

    It is recommended to set the time for a long time. Otherwise, the following errors may occur if the operation is too late:

    Copy the code
  • The lease Revocation application can revocation a lease using the lease ID. Revoking the lease will delete all keys that come with it. Suppose we do the following:

    $ etcdctl lease revoke 694d71ddacfda227
    lease 694d71ddacfda227 revoked
    $ etcdctl get foo10
    Copy the code
  • Refresh lease applications can keep leases alive by refreshing their TTL, so they do not expire.

    $ etcdctl lease keep-alive 694d71ddacfda227
    lease 694d71ddacfda227 keepalived with TTL(100)
    lease 694d71ddacfda227 keepalived with TTL(100)
    Copy the code
  • Query lease applications may want to know lease information so they can renew or check if the lease still exists or has expired. An application may also want to know the key attached to a particular lease.

    Suppose we complete the following sequence of operations:

    $ etcdctl lease grant 300 lease 694d71ddacfda22c granted with TTL(300s) $ etcdctl put --lease=694d71ddacfda22c foo10 bar  OKCopy the code

    Get information about leasing and which keys use leasing information:

    $ etcdctl lease timetolive 694d71ddacfda22c
    lease 694d71ddacfda22c granted with TTL(300s), remaining(282s)
    $ etcdctl lease timetolive --keys 694d71ddacfda22c
    lease 694d71ddacfda22c granted with TTL(300s), remaining(220s), attached keys([foo10])
    Copy the code

4 summary

This paper mainly introduces the common commands and operations of ETCD based on ETCDctl, including key-value pair operation, lease, Watch key value monitoring, etc. These commands implement the various etCD usage scenarios we described in the previous article. The following articles will begin with the DEFINITION and use of the ETCD V3 API to get inside etCD.

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Recommended reading

  1. Comparison between ETCD and other K-V components such as Zookeeper and Consul
  2. Thoroughly understand ETCD series article (1) : first know ETCD
  3. Thoroughly understand etCD series article (2) : ETCD installation posture
  4. Thoroughly understand etCD series (3) : ETCD cluster operation and maintenance deployment
  5. Thoroughly understand etCD series article (four) : ETCD security


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