Author: QiShare Team

On the arrival of the Year of Pig and Pig in 2019, QiShare team wishes you all a happy New Year. We wish all readers good health, a comfortable life, success in learning and good luck.

2018 is the first year of QiShare. Since July 23, QiShare has published 66 technical articles, 34 open source projects and 3,747 fans, with a total reading number of more than 120,000 times, relying on simple books, Nuggets, Github and wechat official accounts. Here is a list of QiShare articles to thank the QiShare authors and readers.

At the end of the article there is a small wechat, add wechat can enter the “QiShare technical exchange group”. I heard that New Year’s Eve has a red envelope to get 😁

Objective – C column

  • Writing high quality Objective-C code for iOS
  • Writing high quality Objective-C code for iOS
  • Writing high quality Objective-C code for iOS
  • Writing high quality Objective-C code for iOS
  • Writing high quality Objective-C code for iOS
  • Writing high quality Objective-C code for iOS
  • Writing High quality Objective-C code for iOS
  • Writing High Quality Objective-C code for iOS

IOS interacts with JS

  • UIWebView for iOS and JS interaction – protocol interception
  • UIWebView-JavaScriptCore framework for iOS and JS interaction
  • Uiwebview-jsexport protocol for iOS and JS interaction
  • WKWebView for iOS and JS interaction – protocol interception
  • Wkwebview-wkscriptmessagehandler protocol for iOS and JS interaction
  • Wkwebview-wkuidelegate protocol for iOS and JS interaction

IOS Push Column

  • IOS Local Notifications
  • IOS Remote Notification
  • Notifications for iOS


  • IOS Scan qr code/bar code
  • IOS scan the qr code of photo album
  • IOS generates qr codes/bar codes

IOS animation and drawing

  • I met CABasicAnimation
  • CABasicAnimation implements serial animation effects
  • IOS draws rounded corners
  • Drawing gradients for iOS – Basics
  • Drawing gradients for iOS – Examples
  • IOS keyframe animation
  • DrawRect for iOS redraw

IOS CocoaPods column

  • IOS CocoaPods introduction and basic usage
  • IOS CocoaPods public library
  • IOS CocoaPods private library

IOS Multithreading column

  • NSThread for iOS multithreading
  • IOS Multithreading GCD
  • NSOperation for iOS multithreading
  • Thread safety for iOS multithreading

IOS Web Column

  • IP and UDP
  • A preliminary study of TCP
  • IOS Charles caught
  • IOS Wireshark caught

IOS Practical technology

  • IOS KVC and KVO
  • IOS Localization -IB
  • IOS Localization – Non-IB
  • Introduction to iOS file operations
  • IOS obtains the current language and region of the device
  • Framework packaging script adaptation in iOS New Build System
  • Can’t get WiFi SSID in iOS 12? Don’t panic!
  • IOS memory leak detection method and cause analysis

Some basic knowledge of iOS

  • IOS objc_msgSend tail-call optimization
  • IOS knows Xcode and Bitcode
  • IOS Signature Mechanism
  • IOS Winding Rules

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