A list page is the most common scenario in real development. A list page is a collection of data, with each entry leading to a detailed page. Key technical points to consider in developing a list:

  1. How to turn pages: During page turning, is the data source server or client?

  2. How to search for content: front-end search or server-side search (send requests)

  3. How to cache data: return a list page from a content page, data from a front-end cache

  4. How to refresh the page: Refresh cached data when data is modified

The design of the store

Page data and operation management will be placed in store, so we first design a Store model:

const initialState = {
  listItems: [].// array
  keyword: ' '.// string
  page: 1.// number
  pageSize: 3.// number
  total: 0.// number
  byId: {}, // object
  /* ** Data request related ⬇️ */
  fetchListPending: false.// Boolean, in request
  fetchListError: null.// object, request failure information
  listNeedReload: false.// Boolean, whether to request data again
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In response to a flat structure advocated by Redux, we store a set of ids in listItems rather than all the data, which is retrieved by byId.

The design of the URL

To increase the user experience, we typically map a unique URL for each resource, including the current page and keyword as part of the URL:

/list/${page}? keyword=${XXX}Copy the code
  <Route path="/table/:page?">
    <Table />
  <Route path="/user/:userId">
    <Detail />
  <Route path="/">
    <Home />
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├ ─ ─ App. Js ├ ─ ─ the SRC ├ ─ ─ store ├ ─ ─ action. Js ├ ─ ─ reducer. Js └ ─ ─ store. Js └ ─ ─ pages ├ ─ ─ detail. Js └ ─ ─ table. JsCopy the code

The UI framework

Based on Ant Design, we mainly used Input, Table and Pagination components, of which Pagination has been encapsulated by Table.

  • table.js
import { Input, Table } from 'antd';
const { Search } = Input;
const { Column, ColumnGroup } = Table;

const TablePage = () = > {
  return (
      <Search placeholder="Search..." style={{ width: '200px' }} />
        style={{ width: '800px', margin: '50px auto'}}rowKey="id"
        pagination={{ position: 'bottomCenter'}} >
        <Column title="ID" dataIndex="id" key="id" />
        <ColumnGroup title="Name">
          <Column title="First Name" dataIndex="first_name" key="first_name" />
          <Column title="Last Name" dataIndex="last_name" key="last_name" />
        <Column title="Email" dataIndex="email" key="email" />
      <br />
export default TablePage;
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  • detail.js
function Detail() {
  return (
    <div className="detail-page">
      <Link to="/table">Back to list</Link>
          <label>First name:</label>
          <label>Last name:</label>
export default Detail;
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Store implementation (asynchronous Action)

We use the REQ | RES (reqres in/API/users? P… As test data, we set up at least three actions for data requests:

  • 'FETCH_LIST_BEGIN': Request start
  • 'FETCH_LIST_SUCCESS': Request successful
  • 'FETCH_LIST_ERROR': Request failed

We will also use dependencies:

  • Use AXIos to send the request
  • Use redux-thunk to handle asynchronous actions
  • Use the Redux-Logger to print and dispatch action logs for us

This article covers asynchronous actions in more detail.


import axios from 'axios';

// Get the user list
export const fetchList =
  (page = 1, pageSize = 3, keyword = ' ') = >
  (dispatch) = > {
      type: 'FETCH_LIST_BEGIN'});return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
      const doRequest = axios.get(
        `https://reqres.in/api/users? page=${page}&per_page=${pageSize}&q=${keyword}`,); doRequest.then((res) = > {
            type: 'FETCH_LIST_SUCCESS'.data: {
              items: res.data.data,
              total: res.data.total,
        (err) = > {
            type: 'FETCH_LIST_ERROR'.data: { error: err }, }); reject(err); }); }); };// Get user information
export const fetchUser = (id) = > (dispatch) = > {
    type: 'FETCH_USER_BEGIN'});return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
    const doRequest = axios.get(`https://reqres.in/api/users/${id}`);
      (res) = > {
          type: 'FETCH_USER_SUCCESS'.data: res.data.data,
      (err) = > {
          type: 'FETCH_USER_ERROR'.data: { error: err }, }); reject(err); }); }); };Copy the code


Handle state according to action

const initialState = {
  items: [].page: 1.pageSize: 3.total: 0.byId: {},
  fetchListPending: false.fetchListError: null.fetchUserPending: false.fetchUserError: null.listNeedReload: false};// reducer
export default function reducer(state = initialState, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'FETCH_LIST_BEGIN':
      return {
        fetchListPending: true.fetchListError: null};case 'FETCH_LIST_SUCCESS': {
      const byId = {};
      const items = [];
      action.data.items.forEach((item) = > {
        byId[item.id] = item;
      return {
        page: action.data.page,
        pageSize: action.data.pageSize,
        total: action.data.total,
        fetchListPending: false.fetchListError: null}; }case 'FETCH_LIST_ERROR':
      return {
        fetchListPending: false.fetchListError: action.data,
    case 'FETCH_USER_BEGIN':
      return {
        fetchUserPending: true.fetchUserError: null};case 'FETCH_USER_SUCCESS': {
      return {
        byId: {
          [action.data.id]: action.data,
        fetchUserPending: false}; }case 'FETCH_USER_ERROR':
      return {
        fetchUserPending: false.fetchUserError: action.data,
  return state;
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Create Store + Setup middleware

import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux';
import reducer from './reducer';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';

const createLogger = require('redux-logger').createLogger;
const logger = createLogger({ collapsed: true });

// Set up the debugging tool
const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__
  : compose;

// Set up middleware
const enhancer = composeEnhancers(applyMiddleware(thunk, logger));

// Create store
const store = createStore(reducer, enhancer);

export default store;
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List of pp.

Page data loading

The previously written component is only a presentation component (responsible for rendering the UI), and to use a Store in a component you need to wrap a container component around it. Redux uses React to develop applications.

connect store
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { fetchList, fetchUser } from '.. /store/action';

const TablePage = (props) = > {

const mapStateToProps = function (state) {
  return {
const mapDispatchToProps = { fetchList, fetchUser };
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(TablePage);
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Get/process data
// something import ....

const TablePage = (props) = > {
  const { items, byId, fetchList, page, total, pageSize } = props;

  // Process data
  const getDataSource = () = > {
    if(! items)return [];
    return items.map((id) = > byId[id]);

  // Get data
  useEffect(() = > {
    fetchList(1); } []);/ / rendering UI
  return (
      // ...
        style={{ width: '800px', margin: '50px auto'}}rowKey="id"
          current: page.total: total.pageSize: pageSize,}} >
          render={(id)= > <Link to={` /user/ ${id} `} >{id}</Link>} / ><ColumnGroup title="Name">
          <Column title="First Name" dataIndex="first_name" key="first_name" />
          <Column title="Last Name" dataIndex="last_name" key="last_name" />
        <Column title="Email" dataIndex="email" key="email" />
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Turn the page

Our page-turning state can be saved in the route and still stay at the current page number after refreshing

import { useHistory, useParams } from 'react-router-dom';

const TablePage = (props) = > {
  let history = useHistory();
  const { page: routerPage } = useParams();

  const { page } = props;

  useEffect(() = > {
    const initPage = routerPage || 1;

    // If the page number does not change, the request will not be renewed
    if(page ! == initPage) fetchList(parseInt(initPage, 10));
    // eslint-disable-next-line} []);// Handle page number changes
  const handlePageChange = (newPage) = > {

  return (
      // ...
          current: page.onChange: handlePageChange.total: total.pageSize: pageSize,}} >
        // ...
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Handling load state

  • Global loading during the first rendering

    // The page has no data yet or the data is empty
    if(! items || ! items.length)return 'loading... ';
    Copy the code
  • Partial loading after the first rendering

    const { fetchListPending } = props;
    return <Table loading={fetchListPending} />;
    Copy the code

Update the data cache

When we cut back from the content page to the list page, use cached data:

if(page ! == initPage || ! getDataSource().length) fetchList(parseInt(initPage, 10));
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Remember the listNeedReload field in initState, which we used to determine whether to update the cache.

If you modify data on the content page (detail.js), you should also set listNeedReload = true

useEffect(() = > {
  const initPage = routerPage || 1;

  if(page ! == initPage || ! getDataSource().length || listNeedReload) fetchList(parseInt(initPage, 10)); } []);Copy the code

Error handling

If there is an error message, the page is hijacked without subsequent rendering.

// pages/table.js
const { fetchListError } = porps;
if (fetchListError) {
  return <div>{fetchListError.error.message}</div>;
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import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Link, useHistory, useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { Input, Table } from 'antd';
import { fetchList, fetchUser } from '.. /store/action/table';

const { Search } = Input;

const { Column, ColumnGroup } = Table;

const TablePage = (props) = > {
  let history = useHistory();
  const { page: routerPage } = useParams();
  const [search, setSearch] = useState(' ');

  const {
  } = props;

  const getDataSource = () = > {
    if(! items)return [];
    return items.map((id) = > byId[id]);

  useEffect(() = > {
    const initPage = routerPage || 1;

    / / page number change | | not pull data | | need to reload
    if(page ! == initPage || ! getDataSource().length || listNeedReload) fetchList(parseInt(initPage, 10));
    // eslint-disable-next-line} []);if (fetchListError) {
    return <div>{fetchListError.error.message}</div>;

  if(! items || ! items.length)return 'loading... ';

  const handlePageChange = (newPage) = > {

  const handleSearch = (keyword) = > {
    fetchList(page, pageSize, keyword);

  return (
        style={{ width: '200px'}}value={search}
        onChange={(e)= > setSearch(e.target.value)}
        style={{ width: '800px', margin: '50px auto'}}rowKey="id"
          current: page.onChange: handlePageChange.total: total.pageSize: pageSize,}} >
          render={(id)= > <Link to={` /user/ ${id} `} >{id}</Link>} / ><ColumnGroup title="Name">
          <Column title="First Name" dataIndex="first_name" key="first_name" />
          <Column title="Last Name" dataIndex="last_name" key="last_name" />
        <Column title="Email" dataIndex="email" key="email" />

const mapStateToProps = function (state) {
  return {
const mapDispatchToProps = { fetchList, fetchUser };

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(TablePage);
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Content page

Content pages and list pages have two data relationships:

  • Simple data: The list page data contains the content page data and does not need to be refetched (note the case of going directly to the content page)
  • Complex data: Content page data requires additional retrieval

Well, the first case covers the second case.

First, determine whether user data exists in the store. If not, initiate a fetch request.

import { fetchUser } from '.. /store/action/table';

const Detail = (props) = > {
  const { byId, fetchUser } = props;
  const user = byId ? byId[userId] : null;

  useEffect(() = > {
    if (!user) fetchUser(userId);
  }, []);
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import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { Link, useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
import { fetchUser } from '.. /store/action/table';

function Detail(props) {
  const { userId } = useParams();
  const { byId, fetchUserPending, fetchUser } = props;
  const user = byId ? byId[userId] : null;

  useEffect(() = > {
    if(! user) fetchUser(userId);// eslint-disable-next-line} []);if(! user || fetchUserPending)return 'loading... ';
  const { first_name, last_name } = user;

  return (
    <div className="detail-page">
      <Link to="/table">Back to list</Link>
          <label>First name:</label>
          <label>Last name:</label>

function mapStateToProps(state) {
  return {

const mapDispatchToProps = { fetchUser };

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Detail);
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React Best Practices

  • React Best practice: Create a drag-and-drop list by hand
  • React Best Practice: Integrating third-party Libraries (d3.js)
  • React Best Practices: How to Implement Native Portals
  • React best practice: Drag-and-drop sidebar
  • React best practice: Implement step-by-step operations based on routes
  • React best practice: Work with multiple data sources
  • React best practice: Complete a list of requirements
  • React best practice: Dynamic forms