Technical work, should be praised and then see, form a habitCopy the code

Recently, I took time to sort out articles related to docker series. The following is the catalogue of docker-related series for easy reference. Please do not hesitate to correct any mistakes or omissions. thank you

Entry requirements

Docker profile

Internal work mind Method (common configuration)

Install Centos7 in VMware

Docker Installation (centos7)

Getting started with Docker (Using images and containers)

Docker commands are used to manipulate containers

Docker common operation image command

Docker container resource limits

Docker mounts data from host to container (part 1)

Docker mounts data from host to container (part 2)

Docker container network access principle, SNAT and DNAT

Dockerfile and common docker build commands are introduced

Dockerfile builds Nginx base image and Nginx project image

Dockerfile builds tomcat base image and project image

Docker installation boot Redis talk about those years encountered pit

Docker application scenarios, finally all figured out

Cool martial arts (outfit X)

Docker install Mysql and remote access to the actual practice

The company’S mysql Docker container is down, data is lost, my boss is suing me.

Visual Management of Docker containers (UI-for-Docker)

Visual Management of Docker containers (Portainer)

The political marriage

I found several Docker open source image repositories for the technical manager. Why did the manager choose Sonatype Nexus?

I found several Docker open source image repositories for the technical manager. Why did the manager choose Sonatype Nexus?

See following

You cannot attach to a stopped container, start it first

The container name “/XXX” is already in use by container

You cannot remove a running container

Docker error: bash: vi: command not found

Docker file does not start (/bin/bash)

Mkdir: cannot create directory ‘.. /sonatype-work/nexus3 ‘: Permission denied Solution

Docker error: Docker access private server error resolution

Docker: Failed to get D-bus connection: Operation not permitted

Docker error: Docker container stop,kill are useless, stop delete can not solve the solution