Usually want to install a software, as long as the real resources found, the installation is really minute things. Of course, installing database software is never as easy as installing normal application software. After all, common application software is a business for profit products, from download to install every step is carefully designed, silly, user-friendly. Special purpose software, such as databases, is quite different.


Install SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and Mongodb.


It turns out that MySQL, like Oracle, can be installed and configured through the command line, and there are also dumb installation and configuration methods. Today I’ll take a look at the foolproof installation and configuration of MySQL.


1. Resource selection

If you are downloading a zip file, you need to manually configure it. Install and configure mSI directly with MySQL Installer. I really envy those who are good at installing a system and configuring environment variables. Manual configuration is a piece of cake for them. Like us these lazy ghosts, believe in can fool installation of the resolute do not manual……


2, fool installation


3. Select the product to be installed


4. Select the features of the product to be installed


5. Run into problems

If X86 is selected here, the missing MVCR 2013 also needs to download an X86 version.


6. Solve the problem of MVCR 2013 version

First I downloaded an MVCR 213 X64…



Mvcr120.dll is missing. The essence of the problem is the MVCR 2013 version problem, download a “vcredist 2013 x86”, found a lot of Trojan horses in Baidu, wasted a lot of time. If you switch to Google, you can find available resources immediately.…



7. Complete the installation


8. Start fool configuration


9. The configuration is successful

If the configuration is successful, all the configurations go through. If the card is in any link, it proves that the configuration is not successful.

See all the flags floating green, next you can use MySQL happily ~

10. Opened successfully

The MySQL 5.7 Command Line Cient client is already visible at the start of the program. The system prompts you to enter the password set during the installation. If the password is entered successfully, the start screen is displayed.

Navicat is also a visual tool to connect to the MySQL database, manipulate and use queries.


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