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Problem: Populating properties of the Spring @Value flag in unit tests

I tried to write a unit test for a simple bean that is used to validate forms in my program. The bean is annotated with @Component and has a class variable initialized as such

@Value("${}") private String;

I want to write unit tests for the validation methods in this class, but, if possible, I want to complete the tests without using properties files. The reason I do this is that if the value I get from the properties file changes, I hope it won’t affect my test case. My test case tests the code that validates the method, not the value itself.

Is there a way to initialize a Java class using Java code in my test class, populate the class with properties of the Spring @Value annotation, and then test with that property?

I do find this How to seems close to the mark, but still use a properties file. I want to use Java code.


If possible, I’ll try to write these tests without a Spring Context. If you create this class in a test without Spring, you have full control over its properties.

To set the @Value property, you can use Springs ReflectionTestUtils – it has a method setField to set the private property.

@see JavaDoc: ReflectionTestUtils.setField(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)

Answer two

This seems to work, though it’s still a bit wordy (I still want shorter ones)

public static void beforeClass(a) {

// Optionally:
public static void afterClass(a) {
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