Q: What qualification documents should Kuaiapp prepare before submitting for review?

Please refer to “1. “Application Copyright Provision” section to prepare the relevant qualification documents.

When filling out the disclaimer, the individual developer puts his/her handprint on the seal and holds a photo of the front and back sides of his/her identification. The AppID in the disclaimer is the unique IDENTIFIER assigned to a quick application by huawei Developer Alliance. For details about how to view the AppID, see Creating a Quick Application.

Q: The application was rejected because “I’m sorry, XXX is wrong”. How can I handle this?

This error message is usually caused by some minor problems in the quick application code (a common error is that the component is bound with the event callback function, but the function is not defined). Install the Huawei Quick Application IDE and Huawei loader to debug and locate the error.

Q: Where should I submit the qualification documents required for quick application?

You can upload a maximum of five photos to the Application Copyright Certificate or Agency certificate. If more than five photos are required, join multiple photos together and ensure that the photos are clear. In addition, upload the RPK package to complete the product information and submit it for review. For details, see “Submit for Review”.

Q: The reason for the rejection is: The name of the app cannot be generalized to a class, common and non-identifying words, how to deal with it?

Kuaiapps are not allowed to use general words such as telephone, email, calendar, automobile, securities, futures and so on as the name of the app. For example, “Zha Express” was rejected because the app name was too broad, and was renamed “Express Express”. In addition, you are advised to use Chinese application names.

Q: When a quick application project creates a card and deletes the configuration of the card from the configuration file, why cannot Huawei review the card package?

Delete the card configuration information and then package the quick application project, the card will not be packaged, resulting in audit cannot obtain the card package.

Q: The application was rejected because some images were not displayed, but the local test was normal, why?

Application submission must be checked by the website, and special characters in image names will be filtered out. Therefore, all application files must be named according to the standard: only letters, numbers, dots, underscores, hyphens, parentheses, and cannot contain “..”. /. The file name contains a maximum of 300 characters.

Q: The quick application submission is rejected. A message is displayed indicating that huawei Developer Alliance has created the same application, but no application market service is added. Please add the application service and try again.

There are two reasons for this rejection:

● There is no corresponding quick app in Huawei AppGallery Connect when submitting the quick app for the first time. Log in to Huawei AppGallery Connect to create a quick application.

● The version was upgraded on AppGallery Connect, but not committed.

When updating the version, either submit it in the Fast App Alliance, or submit it in AppGallery Connect. Do not go to the fast app Alliance to upgrade the version without submitting it in AppGallery Connect.

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The original link: developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn…

Original author: Mayism