Adaptive the RPX

RPX: the screen width can be adjusted to 750rpx.

RPX (Responsive Pixel) : ADAPTS to the screen width. Specify a screen width of 750rpx. For example, on iPhone6, the screen width is 375px and there are 750 physical pixels, then 750rpx = 375px = 750 physical pixels and 1rpx = 0.5px = 1 physical pixel.

RPX convert px (screen width / 750)

Convert PX to RPX (750 / screen width)

Designers can use 750px as the standard for visual artwork.

iPhone5	        1rpx = 0.42px	1px = 2.34rpx
iPhone6	        1rpx = 0.5px	1px = 2rpx
iPhone6 Plus	1rpx = 0.552px	1px = 1.81rpx
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Array assignment

Tools is an array, array elements are objects, checked has to exist, index has to be of type number

var temp = "tools[" + index + "].checked";
    [temp]: false

 AverageVal = sum/(thicks.length) does not take effect
    averageVal: (sum/len).toFixed(2)})Copy the code

Initialize the

    tools: []})Copy the code

The whole assignment

ConfirmResult is an array of objectsthis.setData({
    tools: confirmResult
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Object assignment

ItemIndex can be a number or string

var temp = "requestStatus." + itemIndex 
[temp]: {
    status: false.checked: item.checked
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Import an error

SaveToolNo is exports, import is bound to fail

module.exports.saveToolNo = saveToolNo; orexports.saveToolNo = saveToolNo;

import saveToolNo from '.. /equip/test.js'
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When ‘.. The /tool/test.js’ file will report an error in the import file if it has no place to use it before entering this import page

var common = require('.. /tool/test.js')

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Disable page scrolling

Method one:

Disablescroll: true Sets the page to be disabled

EnablePullDownRefresh: false

The disablescroll priority is smaller than enablePullDownRefresh

Method 2: Set the absolute position of the root element of the page

position: fixed;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
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Applets have no data binding

The applet has no data binding, uses Bindblur, updates the value

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new Date()

The new Date() argument should be timestamp

Mobile test applet not supportednew Date("The 2021-02-07 14:34:03. 000 + 0800"But supportnew Date(1612679643000))
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Solve callback hell

Togetcode, request1, and request2 all return new Promise

Such as

 function loginToGetId(self) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
            success(res) {
                console.log('login Login succeeds${res.code}`);
            fail(res) {
                console.log('login call failed'); }})})}Copy the code
 function request1(config, self) {
     let {
        url = ' ',
        data = {},
        method = 'GET',
        base = ' '} = {... config}return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
            url: base || BASE_URL + url,
            method: method,
            data: {... data},success: (res) = > {
                // tt.hideLoading();
                if(res.code) {
                } else {
            fail: (res) = > {
                // tt.hideLoading();
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function loginToGetUserInfo(self){
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
        loginToGetId(self).then((res) = >{
            return request1(res, self);
        }).then((res) = >{
            return request2(res, self);
        }).then((res) = >{
            // console.log('login1 succeeded in obtaining user information :',res)
        }).catch((res) = >{
            // console.log('login1 catch res:',res)

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Input on the pit

The request interface in the onblur and onConfirm listener functions cannot pop up the soft keyboard

Disable scrolling on the page

Set in THE JSON of the page you want to set

"disableScroll": true
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However, if input is set at the bottom of the page, the soft keyboard will not pop up

OnShow () and onLoad ()

The first time you open the applet and execute onLoad, the popup page will execute onShow