This article will discuss the interview from the following angles

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The interview question paper

Only one or two interview questions should be asked. Brushing the questions is important, but it is also necessary to prepare for the project. Generally speaking, the current interview questions can be prepared for the following range:

  • JS basic/advanced correlation
  • HTML/CSS, there are really few questions about this
  • Browser/performance optimization/engineering related
  • Framework usage related, that is, basic issues
  • Framework principles related, even if you have not read the source code, you also have to know how it works, the current interview is basic principle is not an inch difficult
  • Related to the computer, such as algorithm/data structure/network, the basic three, at most additional operating system

Above is the general range, you can classify the topics according to these, of course there will be some other issues, such as design patterns and so on. In addition to brush interview questions is only a part of, if can only mechanically apply, a little topic variant will not be useful. A better approach is to internalize these things, understand why the problem is being solved the way it is, and incorporate them into your own project. For example, if the project has done performance optimization, then you can talk about the relevant performance optimization answers.

Most of the following links are written by the author’s friends, who are employed by a second-tier company. There is no need to focus on the interview questions. There are other things we need to prepare for. The interview questions are not the focus of this article.

  • Senior front end of the dafang interview secrets, for you to escort gold three silver four, through the dafang, the content is divided into three
  • Two years of work experience successful interview Ali P6 summary, Ali interview questions
  • 16 years of graduation of the front-end ER in Hangzhou job ing, is also ali interview questions
  • Many interview questions now involve handwritten code
  • Tencent front-end interview, the content is divided into two, Tencent interview questions
  • Front-end interview test points? “, sorted out some common interview questions
  • Three years of experience front-end interview summary, the content is divided into five parts, interview questions related to the company headlines, Baidu, Ele. me, Didi
  • A qualified (excellent) front end should read these articles, there are not clear interview questions may be found in this article

How to talk about projects

Project experience is the most important part of the interview, even if you have a good answer to the previous questions, the project experience is still cool.

The project inspection is to confirm whether the project is done by you, and the second is to understand your technical depth. Even if it is done, you will still have your own thinking.

The questions investigated are generally divided into the following points:

  • Basic project related content, such as technology stack involved, function, business related issues.

  • Details of the project, such as how and why you did it.

  • Ask in-depth questions, such as were there any problems you encountered while working on the project and how they were solved, or maybe in conjunction with the interview questions above

Based on the above points, you can prepare the q&A by saying:

  1. This project involves technology stack related content, both basic and deep, as it is likely to be asked about framework principles.
  2. Think about any difficulties you encountered and how you resolved them. If you can’t remember, look at Git Commit.
  3. Did the project itself do any optimizations, including code, development efficiency, performance, experience, etc.
  4. Some problems in this project and possible solutions.
  5. The result of this project.
  6. What kind of growth did this project bring to you, not to mention that I learned something like an API.

In addition, the project part should also be related to the resume, because the interviewer will ask you about the project from the resume, which will be discussed in the following section.

How to ask for leave, how to resign

There’s really no need to think about how I’m going to take time off to make it look like I’m not going to the interview, even if I’m going to the interview. Since want to ask for leave, so say home occupy directly, oneself occupy to go, average person won’t so matter grind to ask you after all why go of.

Make sure you have an excuse, such as a long commute, too much overtime, or something personal. Then I thanked my leaders and the company for the great growth I had made during this period of cultivation. Finally, I said THAT I would carefully hand over all the work before leaving, and HOPED that the leadership could approve my resignation application.

Leadership may start to keep you at this moment, remember that once decided to resign, don’t hesitate, superior to retain also must not to stay, because at the moment you quit the company just don’t think you are a stable factor, even if you were to retain off what is unlikely to have a good development, also don’t cry because it is the company that have brought you so hesitate whether to go or not. Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards; all things must come to an end.

Prepare a resume

A resume is not for your running book. A list of skills, what you’ve accomplished, and how you feel about yourself doesn’t amount to much. It just makes for a long, smelly resume.

Here are some things you can do to change your resume:

  1. Keep your resume to less than two pages. It’s not about making your resume longer, it’s about making your resume more attractive.

  2. Write the technology stack according to the requirements of the employer and the areas that you possess but others do not, without a long list of technology stacks. If you’re familiar with React, it’s assumed you’re familiar with the front end, not to mention writing code in an editor, submitting code with Git, and requesting data with Ajax. Save the space you would normally use to list these stacks for more important projects

  3. You don’t need to list all the projects you have worked on. You can refer to the Star rule, which is what you do and what you get. The results are the most important thing, not the list of tasks you did. Using data to quantify your results is a great way. If you don’t know how to quantify it, learn more about how your superiors write powerpoint and draw pie. For example, if you want to increase your daily work, there must be a specific number of improvements, and that number is quantifiable.

  4. Consider the words familiar, proficient, don’t dig yourself a hole. Finally, make sure you have something to say for each technical point you put on it. Don’t be asked for a technical point only to say you used it.

  5. Don’t use Word, which can cause problems. PDF is a better choice.

  6. It is not recommended to use a template. It should be either flashy or the Logo of the recruitment website. Write it yourself in Markdown and go straight to PDF.

  7. File name format: Name _ Job title Mandatory

Generally speaking, a resume should be formatted as follows:

Your personal information: name, grade, gender, cell phone number, email, school and major
Your technology stack, listed by employer
Select a few project experiences, according to the Star law

How to roughly determine whether the company is reliable

After all, not everyone can go to a big company, so it’s important to know if a company is a solid one, which can affect your career path in the months and years ahead.

Here I recommend the use of “eye search” to query the information of a company, here we can query a few important indicators of a company

  • A specific financing situation, a company is good, the capital is certainly an important piece. A good company usually has a high amount of capital raised in the early stage and the VC leading the investment is also well-known, such as IDG Capital, Hillhouse Capital, Sequoia Capital and so on
  • The introduction of the core team, through which we can understand the executive’s educational background, industry experience and so on
  • What legal and operational risks the company is involved in

Then you can also ask whether the company is reliable in the pulse, the group, not reliable companies don’t deliver a resume.

Resume Delivery

The first choice must be the internal push, really have no way to choose the major recruitment website delivery. Now there are too many channels to get the internal push, such as Weibo, Zhihu, V2ex, and Pulse. If not, you can also ask in the group.

Also need to pay attention to batch delivery resume, should be sent before the delivery of a few companies want to deliver a few grades. Deliver the lowest grade first, even if fail, also when accumulate experience. So many face several times, grasp the big can start to deliver more admired company, increase the chance of success.

Finally, if you’re sending your resume by email, do it in the morning.

General Essay

To introduce myself

An introduction should be asked at 99% of all interviews, so it’s recommended to write one before the interview.

The introduction is a part of the interview to give the interviewer quick information about you, but be sure not to ramble on. Prepare the following steps:

  1. Personal information, the personal information that writes in resume says, still can carry the honor of a few individuals additionally (of club recruit need not speak the honor that gets in the school, unless be what contest has won a prize).
  2. This section describes the matching technology stack.
  3. Pick a project that I think is the best to say, and describe it according to the Star principle. It’s even better if the program matches the hiring needs of the employer.
  4. Your strengths, such as writing articles or maintaining a profile on Github, will help your interviewer feel good about you.

According to the above links, the format can be roughly arranged as follows:

Hello, interviewer, my name is XXX, majored in XX in XX School, have XX years of front-end work experience, won the ACM provincial gold medal (introduce myself to have won the gold medal in the competition), once worked in XX Company (introduce the first and second tier enterprises I worked in before). I worked as XX in the last company, mainly responsible for XX work, good at XX technical stack. Among them, in the XX project I was responsible for, I completed XX work and achieved XX% improvement in performance (here is to introduce the best project I was responsible for according to the Star principle). In addition, I also insist on writing, published XX article in XX platform, a total of XX thumbs up/read (here is to introduce their own highlights). That is my self-introduction, thank you!

Career planning

This is all about finding out how well you fit in with the company. If you as a code writer say for a few years you want to build a product, a business, a startup, then it may be a little dangerous. As long as you describe the path that suits your career, such as senior engineer -> Architect, etc.

Your shortcomings

This question is to remember not to answer their own character defects, ability is not good, bad communication and so on, can say some problems encountered in the work. For example, during a requirements review, I did not stick to my own ideas, so the problem of the requirements was not solved. Finally, the project did not achieve the expected results.

Is there anything you want to ask me

This question is really not easy to answer, I believe many people have been troubled by this question

  • What about saying that you don’t have anything to ask, which might give the interviewer the impression that you don’t want to work for the company
  • I don’t want to offend the interviewer

In fact, this question is a good way to get to know the other company.

Here are some of the best questions I’ve asked to learn a lot about the company: development process, career advancement, company growth, etc. Choose two or three questions you are interested in asking to help you understand the company and give the interviewer a good impression. The following questions are technical:

  • What is the technology stack used by the company?
  • How do you test the code?
  • How do you solve online problems?
  • How do you prepare for failure recovery? Is there a sound release mechanism?
  • Does the company have technology sharing activities? If so, how often?
  • What is the process of an iteration? The entire process from PRD review to release.
  • What is the structure and composition of the technical team?
  • Are there company-level learning resources? Like an e-book subscription or an online course?
  • What advantages do you think they have over competing products?

Why did you leave your last company

In no way can this problem be blamed on your last company, whether it’s overtime, problems with superiors, problems with co-workers, or anything else.

Generally, the problem can be attributed to themselves, can be said to consider their own career development, want to go to a more suitable for their growth of the company.

Talk about salary piece

Hand is true, cake is too big easy choking, of course, cake is also likely to cash, this looks at their own opportunity, generally speaking, in the case of salary satisfaction, to eat cake: for example, options.

Here is a brief description of what the options in the offer are. Let’s say the company promises you 5,000 options, with a strike price of $1, for four years. That means you can buy an option for $1 per share, but one share doesn’t have to be equal to the stock after the ipo, and it may have to be diluted. If you dilute it by 10 times that’s 500 shares, it’ll take you four years to get all the shares, and then there’s the tax, so most of the options are useless.

Now comes the detailed salary negotiation.

Should have thought of the salary that oneself want above all before the interview, if say you current salary is 10K, so rise is normal in 3K above. If there is only 1K-2k increase, job-hopping is not much sense, after all, there are costs in changing companies. In addition, many HR will lower your quotation. After all, the company has a budget, so we need to give a room to lower the price. So in the specific offer you can give the psychological price of 14-15K, if the other side accepted so happy, if the price to their expectations of the salary is not bad.

Finally, when discussing your salary with HR, you should ask for the following points

  • The specific salary (that is, the contract signed salary), do not miscellaneous what performance add up kind of
  • The proportion of five insurance and one housing fund contribution, which is actually a big benefit in the case of full and non-full payment. Hand in full although oneself hand in also much, but big head accumulation fund can take out, medical treatment insurance sees a doctor to also be used to get, only pension is a bit illusory
  • Whether overtime pay or time off
  • Whether it is 996, I personally do not recommend 996 company
  • Salary increases and promotions
  • Other benefits, such as meals, housing, transportation, holiday benefits, additional insurance, etc., are just icing on the cake
  • How is the annual bonus paid and how many months does the average employee get it

Choose Offer essay

Here branch recruitment and social recruitment.

The school recruit

For college recruitment, platform > team > others. In the case of similar platforms, you can choose a better team, but in the case of gap between platforms, you must choose a larger platform. The better the platform you work on at the beginning of your career, the more successful you will be in the future. It doesn’t matter if the salary on a good platform is low, after all, this period of college recruitment experience will not last long.

Club recruit

For social recruitment, in fact, or to see what their lack of what to fill. If you are short of money, you may have a better platform in front of you and choose to pay more; If you want to go to a bigger platform, you may not want to go to a smaller platform with a higher price. If you want to commute closer and spend more time with your family, you’re not going to want to commute farther.

If you feel that you are not short of several conditions or grasp the bad, you can refer to the author’s ideas:

  1. | salary in such choice: according to the weight platform (both the individual choice) > > team work overtime & commute.
  2. More money is not always a good thing. If you have a lot of money and a lot of overtime, you can’t beat a company that doesn’t pay much but doesn’t work overtime. In addition, HR may not be able to get the year-end bonus he talked about with you. He said that he would lay you off at the end of the year
  3. To in-depth understanding of the specific team to go to, you can add a future superior wechat chat, but also ask around whether the team is reliable. After all, the quality of a team and its immediate leadership will directly affect your performance and promotion space.
  4. Commuting time, if you already own a house, commuting time is something to consider. If your commute takes more than an hour each time and you have to work overtime at your company, happiness is actually pretty low.


Education problem

In the comments, I saw that some readers mentioned the academic issues. This problem can solve most of the situation of card education, of course, large companies will be a little stricter on the requirements of education, if their own technology is not very outstanding, it will indeed encounter this unhappy problem.

But you don’t have to be a big factory to write code.

Link of QA

Q: Some people on the Internet say that companies with heavy tasks can help new graduates grow quickly. Is this true?

A: What is the task to be seen? How much growth can you achieve if you are asked to do the same thing all day.

Q: What are the advantages of non-996 companies besides being easier than 996 companies?

A: Being relaxed is the biggest advantage. I have more time to spend and I’ll be healthier. In addition not 996 companies compared to the efficiency will be much faster.

Q: How to distinguish between delivery companies 996 or not?

A: You can only ask on your own, and some are not all 996 of the company, but A team 996.

The last

If you think it’s ok, you can like it, and if you have any questions, you can talk in the comments section.

PS: reasonable title a bit of the meaning of the title party, but the content of the article should also be ok ~

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