As a tool-lover, I have been asking others for nutrition in the community. Today, I will contribute some applications I have collected and recommend more than 20 commonly used software. Some are recommended by others over and over again and are really classic, while others are found by me by accident but feel very good after use. I present them together, so that you can see if you need these software according to your own needs and solve the pain points in your production and life.

Here’s a brief description of these apps, along with download options and links. If this article does help you, don’t forget to like 👍, hee hee, your like is my motivation to continue writing 🤪 ~

This article is part of the Great Tools series:

  1. Introduce a few Windows under the very useful tools
  2. Full of dry goods! Recommend some very useful Mac software (first shot)
  3. Full of dry goods! Recommend some very useful Mac software (second bullet)
  4. Make comfortable move brick environment, these are the desktop good thing that I want to recommend most

1. Alfred

Just as Listary must be number one on Windows, Alfred must be number one on Mac.

Some people say That Alfred is the most powerful desktop on the Mac, but you can’t really understand how powerful Alfred is until you try it out for yourself. For me, I installed and used It five minutes later, and within a year I used it a handful of times, and Alfred became my most-used tool.

Quick search is a feature that Listary also has. In addition to searching local files, installed applications, MacOS Settings, etc., you can also use web search, such as gg Where’s my savings? You can Search Google Search directly in the default browser, and you can also customize other keywords by changing the keyword in the Search URL to {query}.

Quick open, we can also use the quick open link way, quickly open the default page, for example, I set the blog command to quickly open my blog… Blog and Enter to complete the function of opening the blog address in the default browser.

For example, you can save the official websites of Vue, vue-Router, vuex, etc in your browser TAB. Then type bm Vue into Alfred. You can search for all the sites in our TAB that have the VUE tag.

For example, I often type my phone number, but I don’t like to type such a long number, so I will set ZSJ to automatically expand to the phone number I set.

If you want to set it up, go to Features -> Snippets. Here are some of my favorite auto-extensions for your reference.

Alfred also has a lot of great features like custom Workflow, LargeType, calculators, and more fun features that you can’t understand without trying them out for yourself.

Some people double-click Command on the shortcut keys, but they prefer option + space. The specific shortcut keys can be determined according to their preferences.

Alfred is available on the App Store, but it’s not cheap, so you can buy it, or you can figure it out 🤫.

2. Paste

The equivalent of Ditto for Windows is Paste.

Paste Paste allows you to quickly access your past-copied content without losing important content. You can also search through past-copied content, or save your favorite text paragraphs to a Paste folder. These documents have general end pages, such as reference documents, recommended reading links, and so on, so you can bookmark frequently used content for quick lookup.

In addition, when copying, you can also remove the format information of the original copy source and copy any content into plain text.

Holding down Shift + left/ Right to select multiple clipboard objects to copy at once, I set the activate Paste shortcut to Option + ~, the one to the left of number 1, and set quick Paste to Option + 1, 2… In this way, after opening Option, press Option with your left thumb without moving, you can quickly select other options.

Search the App Store for $68 (you can also find it online at 😏).

3. PicGo

If you often use the Markdown, so you must have met a problem, the picture links, how to translate into images in several free or charge figure on the bed with tools, figure of the open source bed was impressed by the powerful, simple to use tools to use, but also support several images, so this recommendation to everybody.

You can upload an image by dragging and dropping it to the small icon on the Menubar, to the upload area on the app’s home page, or by copying the image to the clipboard and using the shortcut keys. Among them, the third way is the most convenient to use and the most used way.

Map bed here I recommend the use of two map bed, free map bed can use SM.MS map bed, this map bed is free map bed speed more reliable, only occasionally upload failure. If you don’t mind, you can choose Github map bed. The principle of this map bed is to create a repository on Github, and then upload your pictures to the repository. The disadvantage is that the speed is relatively slow, and sometimes you need to bring your own x tool 😅 because you understand the reason.

In terms of shortcut keys, I set the shortcut keys of upload to Command + Control + Shift + U, so that after some screenshots are taken, the images will be copied to the clipboard. Then use the shortcut keys of upload to upload the pictures from the clipboard to the picture bed you set earlier. And re-copy the link of the uploaded image to the clipboard, then you just need to control + V directly in Markdown, comfortable 🤪.

It can be downloaded for free from PicGo’s official website or from Github’s Release for Windows/Mac.

4. Magnet

There are times when you need to compare data side by side, or when you need to arrange three apps on one screen, window management tools are essential. Here is a window management tool, Magnet, that I have used and found very useful. There seem to be several similar management tools, and I will not comment on others.

Magnet also supports keyboard shortcuts for smooth adaptation of all commands. You can find predefined Settings or create your own set of Settings through the small ICONS on the menu bar.

Can also use the keyboard shortcut way, when the focus at a window, you can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly to the window, also can through the small icon on the menu bar, to make the window you want to arrange, commonly used have left, right, maximize, right and left two thirds two-thirds, specific how to use or look at your personal habits and the screen size.

Magnet can be found in the App Store, and it is also cheap to buy. You can get Magnet for about 6 yuan during activities. Of course, if you really don’t want to buy Magnet, there are resources on the website 😅.

The first few software are many tools recommended articles recommended, some of the following I accidentally discovered, some friends recommended.

5. Text Scanner

Sometimes you have a picture with a lot of text in it, and you want to copy the text locally, or you find a web page that is forbidden to copy (such as the software introduction in App Store), you can choose the picture recognition function on QQ. But I recommend a more powerful tool, Text Scanner.

After using five or six map recognition software, I finally selected the software with the recognition speed, recognition accuracy and ergonomics most in line with my expectations. The scanning speed and recognition rate can be called amazing. Besides Chinese, it can also recognize English, Thai, Korean, Russian, French and other languages. Also can batch identify the picture, driving license, ID card, form, certificate photo, etc.

This software is also obtained through the App Store, I bought the legal version, of course, as before, you can also find the resources 🙃, but this software is often upgraded, purchase will save a lot of trouble, recommend to buy the legal version.

My shortcut keys are Command + Shift + 3, which corresponds to the screenshot, just for your reference.

6. Xnip

After trying five or six screenshots software, I chose Xnip, with it, QQ screenshots, wechat screenshots, web screenshots are not needed, can be said to be the best Mac screenshots tool, no one.

  1. The Xnip provides complete annotation functions and is easy to use. You can annotate captured images and adjust the size of the screenshot area during annotation.
  2. Scroll screenshots, allowing scrolling capture of off-screen content, generating screenshots, easily capture more than one screen of chat records, code, articles, etc.;
  3. Window screenshot function, intercept a window and attached to the window shadow effect, in addition, can also arbitrarily combined multiple Windows;
  4. Color picker function, can obtain a pixel color code value, can also be accurate to the pixel selection screenshot selection;
  5. Multi-unit switch, using pt, PX, cm, foot four different size units to represent the size of the screenshot area, convenient to measure the object;
  6. A texturing feature that stickers anything onto the screen;

There are also screenshots highlighting tools, Mosaic and other functions, you can choose to generate a circle of shadow beside the screenshots, and Mac screenshots come with the same tool, or even more powerful, strongly recommended. It’s worth mentioning that you can choose JPG/PNG format for your screenshots. If you choose PNG format, your screenshots will have a transparent shadow background, which is nice.

Xnip can be found in the App Store. My shortcut key is Command + Shift + 1. The software is free.

7. SwitchKey

Sometimes, because the input method of pinyin is required on QQ and wechat, but English is required on Webstorm, VSCode, Atom and command line, when switching between these applications, the input method switch is trivial and troublesome.

The SwitchKey can automatically switch the specified input method based on the current focus application, so that you do not need to pay attention to the trivial operation of the input method switch.

Deciding which input method to Add to a particular software is easy. After switching the input method and opening the target software, click Add Current (the button at the top of the image above) in the software menu of Menubar to Add the corresponding input method selection configuration. The next time you open the software it will automatically restore the specified input state. If the configuration is wrong, select the record value and press Delete, which is easy and efficient.

You can get the download link at Github Release or the official website, which is free at 🥳 if I remember correctly.


Pap. er is an app that provides you with beautiful wallpaper. It takes licensed images from Unsplash and provides them to users.

Once installed, click on the Pap. er icon on Menubar to bring up a list of wallpapers. Click “Set as Desktop” to automatically download and use images as wallpapers.

You can download the installation package from the official website for free.

9. FinderGo

If you need to use your terminal a lot, FinderGo can help you quickly open your terminal and locate it in the current folder, which is a useful gadget for daily use.

Specific download and configuration can be Baidu, a lot of online tutorials.

You can download it for free on Github.

10. GIF Brewery 3

After using a number of GIF recording tools, finally chose this powerful software, strongly recommended!

GIF for 3 can be recorded, adjust the length of the animation playback speed, frame rate, intercepting a certain part of animation, under a certain frame add text or map, add watermarks or subtitles, readjust the video size, adjust the number of color, and other functions, can say, it has a video editing software, most of the functionality.

Sometimes I finish in recording a long while on a GIF and generate the volume is too big, then can turn playback speed quick, color number decreases a little, and then adjust the size of the GIF a little bit small, often can reduce the volume of more than half, and that is why we often see GIF figure of the relatively small size of the reason, Because large words directly lead to large size of the entire GIF file, slow loading.

GIF Brewery 3 you can get GIF Brewery 3 for free on the App Store, but you can also get GIF Brewery 3 from other places. The only pity is that it doesn’t support Chinese, but the interface is full of common words, you can go to 🤣.

11. Typora

After working with many Markdown editors, I finally chose Typora, which is simple and lightweight. Unlike the mainstream editors, which edit and preview at the same time, Typora uses real-time rendering that combines editing and preview together, eliminating the need to switch back and forth between editing and preview areas.

Typora also supports Latex mathematical formulas, TOC dynamic directories, drag and drop images to automatically generate local preview links, custom themes, PDF/Word exports, focus mode and other handy features. If you know a little CSS, You can directly modify the CSS theme file in \Application\Support\ abnerworks.typora \themes or download it from the official theme library.

My favorite Misty and Catfish themes are Misty and Catfish, and I modified the CSS theme slightly to suit my own preferences (you can just ask me for the CSS file 😉).

You can download it on Typora’s website for free.

My blog address is Github – SHERlocked93/blog, welcome to follow ~

PS: Welcome to pay attention to my official account [front-end afternoon tea], come on together

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