Original: Monkey World (wechat official ID: Cxytiandi), welcome to share, please reserve the source.

I’m sure many of you have experienced this experience. At the end of the interview, you are often asked a question: What are the technical difficulties of the project?

This is an open question. First of all, there is no fixed answer, because everyone has done different projects, used different frameworks, corresponding architectures, and naturally encountered different technical difficulties.

1. Be authentic

When answering this question, it’s important to think carefully about the real question you’ve been asked before. Don’t make up just one question, which can easily lead to problems because the interviewer will follow up on the details, and if you make it up, you won’t be able to go back.

Here’s an example:

The applicant said that the interface for our order can only support several hundred TPS at the beginning, but after I optimized it, the TPS exceeded ten thousand. As long as you finish this sentence, the interviewer will start to continue to ask for details.

  • How much TPS is that?
  • How many machines are there?
  • What are the configurations of the machines?
  • What is the database configuration?
  • How do you do the manometry?
  • How many services does the order link interact with?
  • How long does each service take?
  • How is it optimized?
  • How do I find performance bottlenecks in interfaces?

You have to resist the barrage of questions, and the interviewer compares your description with the indicators you say. If they match, you pass the test. If they don’t match, they will definitely fail.

2. Technical difficulties

Technical difficulties can be GC optimization, from the number of GC optimization to the number of GC optimization, how much STW time is reduced, which means to optimize.

Can be the pressure test performance has not been up, through what means to optimize, from how much optimization to how much. During which there is no machine, there is no upgrade server, upgrade database and so on.

It could be that the project is suspended after running for a while and cannot process any requests. Then how do you analyze step by step and find the specific cause, and then how to solve it.

There must be details and data to make this case credible. And the interviewer will think that you have the ability to analyze and solve problems.

3. It is not necessarily a technical difficulty

Although the question is about technical difficulties, if you really haven’t encountered any technical difficulties, you can move on to other aspects at this point, rather than simply saying that you haven’t encountered any technical difficulties. I’m sure the chances of success are slim if you say so.

You can talk about the business side, the leadership side, for example, you can say that you didn’t have that experience when you were in a particular business. Then through searching for information, to consult experienced friends and other independent completed the design of a system. And what kind of achievements have been achieved after the completion of this process is very challenging for me, so this is a difficult point in the project.

You can also take the initiative to lead the reconstruction of the old project with the support of the leader, give DDD training to the students in the team, and successfully reconstruct a certain business through DDD. This will show your ability to take initiative, share, and lead.

Finally to everyone is: must be ready, think about what you want to say, temporary effect is certainly not prepared in advance.

If it works for you, just forward it!

About the author: Yin Jihuan, a simple technology lover, the author of Spring Cloud Micro-service – Full stack Technology and Case Analysis, Spring Cloud Micro-service Introduction combat and Progress, the founder of the public account Monkey World.