PuTTY Secure Copy client

Putty is a command used by Windows software to transfer files to the connected host


  1. Download files from a remote host:pscp [options] [user@]host:sourse target

Example: PSCP gzlaoben:/etc/my.cnf D:\

  1. To upload a local file to a remote device:pscp [options] source [source...] [user@]host:target

Example: PSCP D:\my.cnf gzlaoben:/etc

  1. View details about a file on a remote host:pscp [options] -ls [user@]host:filespec

Example: pscp-ls gzlaoben:/etc

  1. Options: PSCP parameters.
  2. User: user name for logging in to a remote host. If no, use the default user configured in Putty.
  3. Host: indicates the name of the remote host, that is, the alias of the host configured in Putty.
  4. Source: the file or folder to be transferred.
  5. Target: The location where the transferred file needs to be placed.
  6. Filespec: file description.
Common parameters options:
  • -qQuiet, don’t show statistics.
  • -rCopy directories for recursively copying folders. This parameter must be worn when transferring folders.
  • -vShow verbose messages. Displays detailed information, including SSH connection logs.