Demand analysis
Build a general workflow platform based on Spring Boot2 and Activiti6.0
Support online design, deployment and maintenance of process definition files
Support integration of custom forms and process definitions
It can manage users and rights of the flow
Monitor the running process and historical data from the management perspective
Platform Angle facilitates data integration with third-party systems
Technical solution
- Based on Activiti6.0 source code in activiti-UI project upgrade development
- Build from scratch from Activiti-Engine
Based on Activiti6.0 source code in activiti-UI project upgrade development
- Upgrade the activiti-spring-boot module dependent version
- Transform Activiti-UI into spring-boot project
- Create the Workflow project based on the modified Acitivi-UI
Development steps
Activiti6.0.0 checkout checkout checkout checkout base branch
Define Activiti-Spring-boot, Activiti-UI and sub-module version 6.0.0-boot2
Run the Activiti-App module based on the Activiti-UI dependency version 6.0.0-BOOT2
Acitivi-app was transformed into Spring-Boo project
Upgrade activiti-UI using activiti-spring-boot-starter* 6.0.0-boot2
Start and run acitivi-app based on Springboot project
Upgrade acitivi-spring-boot to rely on boot2.0: compile, install, debug
Re-install Activiti-UI: compile, debug, install
Start and run the Spring-Boot2 project Activiti-app
Create a new standalone project Workflow
Add dependencies (6.0.0) and configuration files
Integrate web-related resource files
Workflow platform construction
Activiti6.0.0 checkout checkout checkout checkout base branch
Run the meavn command
- In poM, set version: MVN versions: set-dnewVersion =6.0.0-boot2
- MVN clean install source: jar-dmaven.test. skip=true
- Dependencies install and compile projects: MVN clean compile
- Run maven to start Tomcat 7: MVN clean Tomcat7 :run