
These days (it has been 14 days and two weeks since the last Posting) I have been busy with my work, so I have no more time to write more articles. Actually quite want to say sorry…… But I really don’t know how to say it!

So, what have I been doing lately? And why I wrote such a headline!

  • Public account: I am a mu

The recent situation

  • Change at work

Those of you who are familiar with me should know that since I joined my new employer last year; I focused on the business of voice broadcast (independent project), which has been running for many years. After I took over the project for one year, I gradually became the person in charge of this independent project from an ordinary developer. For me personally, it’s a huge change from being a developer on a project to being in charge of a big project.

To be honest, this is also a test of my project management ability; It’s also a test of how well you interact with different levels of management or departments. Especially if you are in a large company with many departments, it is a test of your emotional intelligence.

You should be aware of one thing: depending on your position, you may stand at a different Angle and be promoted to a different level

Of course we can take the technical route or the management route, there is no constraint. However, I think we can also try to be responsible for the operation and architecture collocation of the whole project, as well as a series of architecture knowledge such as service performance monitoring optimization, hypermetro, disaster recovery and degradation while doing development.

At the same time, I am also involved in the construction of other Mid-Taiwan services, participating in more projects, trying to get in touch with as much architecture knowledge and business as possible, and improving myself quickly.

  • Personal thoughts and attitudes change

At present work for more than four years, to tell the truth, the heart or did not run in better! When I’m in charge of more and more things: projects, feedback troubleshooting, meetings, arguments, etc. Sometimes it is inevitable that they will have a feeling of disgust for their work, and even sometimes they will enter the edge of collapse and lack of skills.

Really like your work, this is my biggest harvest this year; Try to take on more projects; Try to communicate with other leaders; Try to control the pace of work; Try to allocate your days wisely; Try how to adjust their own business when various mentality problems; So many attempts have changed my state of mind.

You have to love what you do to take you forward!

  • Adherence to values

I am different from others. When I talk to many people, I have heard: “It doesn’t matter how much money you have, as long as there is room for me to improve my technical ability and become a god like XXX, etc.”

I was thinking to myself, “Fuck you! “If you can really change the world through technology, you can wait until you’re in your late 20s.

I am so vulgar, I do not have which people so tall still, all kinds of cool play handsome. I learn so much technology, desperately improve their knowledge level is nothing but for life; Because we are eating a meal, also know their several catties, you can not become what climate, but at least it is a skill can support his wife and children; Not to become a god in everyone’s eyes, but to improve their life through their own skills, including: house, car, parents care for the elderly, children to school, wife cosmetics and so on

Be sure not to imagine yourself how cowhide, just a clown; Others don’t look, don’t expose yourself, that’s all!

  • questioning

As you know, I’m back in the series this year, but not as good as other bloggers; But at least my content is not so boastful and grandiose, many of them are the summary of their past experience, and finally what is solved! Although the public account did not increase many fans, but I do not have too much luxury (closed space under the public account, I did not drainage)

But this year did bring a lot of opportunities: HR and headhunters from Tencent, Byte and other listed companies approached me and asked me if I was considering changing my job and recommended me highly.

I also received invitations from various Internet conferences, and I even received an invitation from a company executive who asked me to teach his kids how to code and so on!

Also received invitations from two publishers to publish: Lua Language from The Beginning to the Real World

I really appreciate it, everybody. I said no. Everybody may scold in the heart: “wicked thing, pack what force, you this bear appearance! “

Reasons for rejection: ① At present, my ambition is not here, but more thoughts on work and writing articles; ② It is still very clear how many catties they have, and their technology needs to be improved; ③ More energy should be spent on learning management; ④ There is too much there to make up the number. Anyone of any level can attend the lecture

Note: don’t think I said above without screenshots, think I make up, pretend, lie; Just above which people have added wechat to each other, concerned about my public number, do not want to increase trivia just!

The above is not a big deal, as long as you write articles will be asked to you published, asked you to attend all kinds of conferences. To put it bluntly, it's all about casting a wide net. Also don't think this has what great, vegetable chicken is everywhere, presumptuous just!Copy the code
  • What do you think of writing an essay

Overall: the market for “bad paper harvesters”! I want to express is: the major website copy and paste, please write their own understanding of the knowledge point, do not finally write their own do not know why! I don’t want to say any more!

Next use spare time to start sorting out the lua tutorial!