If you don’t have a clear career plan of your own, his advice can help you think about your future. There are three stages to a programmer’s career future, and each stage hits a threshold of differentiation. How to do programmer career planning? An old programmer’s life summary, benefit a lot

First stage: the first three years

The first three years on the job are the first hurdle for programmers, and those three years gradually weed out the unsuited code writers.

At this stage, we go out into the world, become a programmer, and start to apply the knowledge from books to real enterprise development. We learned how to work in teams, how to use project management tools, how to version control projects, how to test written code, how to run it online, and so on.

In the first three years, I accumulated certain development experience and had a certain in-depth understanding of the code, which was a relatively pure code farming stage.

Second stage: the fifth year

Year 5 is the second threshold for programmers, when the programmer’s job is basically finalized.

Those who spend five years doing nothing in their spare time but completing their work will always be code-makers. When they are older, they will be replaced by younger people.

Some people in the five years, in addition to writing code, also keen to study all kinds of technical implementation details, read a lot of good books, writing some blog share technology, these people in five years must have the ability to acquire the technically and clear the development direction of the future, from a code farmer gradually towards a systems analyst or architect, become a indispensable characters in the project.

Third stage: the tenth year

Year 10 is the third threshold of the program, the point at which you switch careers or continue to be a programmer.

If you had stuck to the idea and worked hard in the first few years, at this point in the decade, someone would have grown up to be a programmer with deep knowledge of the industry, deep knowledge of the technology, and the ability to analyze a product from scratch. It’s an honor to be a CTO, a technical specialist, a chief architect, and other key positions in the company, and your boss will not take advantage of you financially.


With the growth of our working years and the deepening of our understanding of life, we need to keep thinking about three questions for the career of programmer:

First life Stage: Am I cut out to be a programmer? Stage 2: Do I want to be a programmer for life? 3. The third stage of life: my attitude towards programming technology, is it enough or keep working for it?

Finally, define your own career plan, take responsibility for your own plan and work towards it.

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