A competitive

The paper

A deep understanding of the business is required, but business knowledge is not the same as testing ability

Break down

The value of test engineering can’t just be in a specific product business, and once you’re outside of that business, if your experience is hard to use effectively, you’re less competitive


Competition second

The paper

The core of the test development position is testing, and the purpose of development is to better serve the test

Break down

As a test developer, we can not only care about how to achieve the pre-designed functions, but also completely ignore the specific application scenarios of the developed test framework or tool platform in the test


Core competencies that business functional testing should have

Seven core competencies

Sum up in order of importance

  1. Test Strategy Design
  2. Test case design
  3. Learn quickly
  4. Exploratory testing of thinking
  5. Defect analysis
  6. Automated test technology
  7. Good communication


Test Strategy Design (Core Competencies)

Ability to quickly and accurately understand requirements for a wide variety of software under test, and determine test priorities and the most appropriate test methods with limited time and resources

The details are as follows

  1. How far does the test go
  2. What tools do you need for testing
  3. How to use automated testing and automated testing frameworks, and how to select
  4. How to allocate tester resources properly
  5. What is the testing schedule
  6. How to deal with test risk


Test case design

Requirements are not limited to familiar with the business field of test case design, but to be able to master and master the systematic test design method and specific business organic combination.

To design test cases well, it is necessary not only to deeply understand the business requirements of the software under test and the usage habits of target users, but also to be familiar with the specific design and operating environment of the software, including technical architecture, cache mechanism, middleware technology and third-party service integration.

In order to improve test case design ability, it is necessary to accumulate more at ordinary times. Only by constantly summarizing and summarizing common defect patterns, typical error types and encountered defects, can systematic use case design thinking be gradually formed.


Learn quickly

There are two levels of meaning:

  1. Quick learning and understanding of different business requirements and functions
  2. Ability to learn and apply new testing techniques and methods


Exploratory testing of thinking

Test engineers are constantly learning the system under test during the execution of tests, and at the same time sorting out and analyzing more targeted test concerns based on incorrect guesses and logical reasoning based on their own experience.

Good exploratory testing thinking can help you achieve low cost precision testing, precision testing can be defined as a change to the development code, targeted and targeted testing of the change point and change linkage


Defect analysis

Contains three levels of meaning (progressive relationship, deeper and deeper)

  1. For discovered defects, combined with the context in which the error occurred and the log, the cause of the active location defect can be predicted, and even the specific line of code that went wrong can be pinpointed
  2. Based on the found defects, combined with exploratory testing thinking, deduce the possibility of similar defects, thus finding all related potential defects
  3. Reasonable analysis of defect types and trends in a period of time can predict the health status of the overall quality from point to point, and provide systematic detection and prevention measures for high-frequency defect types, so as to adjust the subsequent testing strategy


Automated testing

The automated test technique itself does not bind the object under test \

Keep in mind that testing is at the heart of the testing job, and the purpose of development is to better serve testing



Ability to communicate

  1. On the one hand, you need to work with the product manager and project manager to ensure that requirements are met correctly and the overall quality of the project is met.
  2. On the one hand, you need to constantly communicate and coordinate with developers to make sure bugs are fixed and verified in a timely manner.