KiKi visits a website and gets an HTTP status code, but he doesn't know what it means. BoBo tells him about the usual HTTP status codes: 200 (OK, request successful), 202 (Accepted, request Accepted but not yet processed). 400 (Bad Request, Request parameter Error), 403 (Forbidden), 404 (Not Found, Request failed), 500 (Internal Server Error), 502 (Bad Gateway, Wrong gateway). Input description: Enter multiple groups. One line is an integer (100 to 600), indicating the HTTP status code. Output description: For each group of input HTTP status, the corresponding meaning of the status code is output as follows:  200-OK 202-Accepted 400-Bad Request 403-Forbidden 404-Not Found 500-Internal Server Error 502-Bad GatewayCopy the code

dic={200:'OK',202:'Accepted',400:'Bad Request',
     403:'Forbidden',404:'Not Found',500:'Internal',
     500:'Internal Server Error',502:'Bad Gateway'}
while True:
Copy the code