
Those of you who are familiar with me should know something about my past. I am a web writer.

Compared to the front end of the non – class, my span seems to be some big.

The result was good, but the process was not perfect.

Learning all the way, only to sigh the fate of ill-fated. If you’re a duckweed, there’s nowhere to go.

The ancient Dayu three door and not into this month heart three into the front end of the door and failed.

Self-taught front end for half a year, trying to get started. Three times, no progress.

Fortunately, the mentality is stable, never give up. A self-deprecating vegetable chicken. Happy to be at ease.

Xu is sincere occasionally get heaven pity, the fourth time, for me to open a door, gradually get.

Today we are going to talk about how to use the liberal arts perspective to learn the front end?

The difference between writing and writing code

Think back to our mental process of writing an article: literacy, word formation, grammar, sentence formation, paragraph formation, writing.

To form words, words with grammar into a sentence, more than a sentence into a paragraph, more than a section written.

At first glance, something seems to be wrong, but on reflection, nothing seems to be wrong.

Is this it? Yeah, that’s all. A lot of things are not complicated, complex is the heart.

So what about writing code? It’s the same root.

Literacy can be seen as recognizing and reserving keywords.

Groupwords can be considered as combinations of related relationships, such as if else,switch case.

Syntax can be thought of as a language specification. For example, js variables declared by const cannot be changed.

A sentence can be considered a syntactic piece of code, as in

let name='lengyuexin';
Copy the code

A segment can be thought of as a code segment with a specific meaning, such as array de-duplication.

const arr=[1.1.2];
function uniq(arr){
    return [ Set(arr)]
uniq(arr)/ / [1, 2]
Copy the code

Writing can be thought of as a piece of code with a specific business scenario, which is the breakdown of each small function point.

Does that make writing articles and writing code not so different?

Make full use of the advantages of liberal arts students

When it comes to the advantages of liberal arts majors, what comes to your mind first?

Recite and express.

Yes, the ability to recite and express oneself is really a weapon for liberal arts students.

If you happen to be a liberal arts major and don’t think you’re good at either, then…

What does that mean? It means you’re either a phony liberal arts major or you have a clear sense of who you are.

Of course it is. There’s a future.

Cough cough, the book is connected with the text, how to make full use of the advantages of reciting and expression?

The application of recitation advantage

First say recitation, the front to recite things can be too much.

CSS properties are all English words, right? Back up.

Js implicit conversion, a bunch of apis for arrays, ok? Back up.

2021 has passed half a year, ES6 + grammar play understand? Back up.

React a bunch of lifecycle hook functions. Back up.

Are HTTP request methods, request headers, response headers, and caches clear? Back up.

That’s a lot to memorize. All of them? Does cramming really work?

If pure back, really not much use.

Just like you memorize many good words and sentences, but in the end you only remember the parts you used to write your essay.

See what I mean? Memorizing is not the same as remembering, remembering is based on application.

Liberal arts students recite the advantage lies in the prophet can be used after.

Take full advantage of this and your body of theoretical knowledge will build up very quickly.

How fast? Flowing water, tao Fa natural.

The knowledge stored in your mind is a huge hash table with points as keys and details as values.

What is the hash table lookup time complexity? I don’t have to tell you anything.

Solid theoretical knowledge, practice can deepen the experience.

The application of expressive strengths

Above is the advantage of the back, and then to the expression, the most classic is the interview.

Interviewer: What about HTTP caching?

At this point, the HTTP cache acts as a key, indexed in the brain, and immediately hits the knowledge details.

I’ll start with a description of cache classification, then describe the handling of different types of caches and the relevant HTTP headers involved, and finally fill in the actual application scenarios.

Speaking of the rise, a wave of handwriting in the editor is roughly realized, confident and elegant.

Each question is such a wave of fluent expression, do not choose you choose who?

The school of science is not easy to back down you can easily back, not good to write you can write in minutes, express bad you can be clear and confident, talk with ease.

Boy, Sule, it’s got to be you.

There is nothing wrong with the emperor’s quality.

The charm of words

The advantage of liberal arts students is to recite and express, the return of these two items, fall under the pen is to write articles.

Good at sorting out the context of knowledge, notes, can clearly express the knowledge points of the article, so that every reader benefits.

All kinds of requirements documentation, technical documentation, call excellent.

Change industry such as reincarnation, such as separation mountains.

If you do not have a firm determination to go on, how can you see the light piercing the darkness and waking up the youthful scene of the dawn?

Our literati, to self-improvement.


Love is fickle,

Is a move that hurt.

Thank you so much for reading my article,

I’m Cold Moon Heart. See you next time.