Spring is a container for de-coupling your code, depending on your code

Ioc and Aop are used for decoupling.

1. The main business logic adopts Ioc decoupling

2. System business (services) using Aop decoupling (service code like Log4J)

Spring is characterized by

Non-intrusive, Spring APIS do not appear on business logic

POJO Plain old Java Objects are clean, as long as the JDK supports them without references

Into other apis)

Container: Can manage the life cycle of objects, objects and dependencies between objects,

Dependencies can be resolved through configuration files.

Ioc Inversion of control: it’s really a concept, an idea, a way of doing it

It’s diverse. There are two popular ones: dependency injection and dependency lookup

1. Dependency search: Partition search, which requires a specific search mode path

2. DI, also called DI, does not need to be searched in a partition, but the name must be different



Aspect – oriented programming is a supplement to object-oriented programming. The extra service is cut

Surface, in order to reuse. Then the “facets” are dynamically “woven” into the business logic, yes

Enhancements to methods.


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