1. Prepare the environment
Software required:
Node. Js - > v12.18.3
NPM - > 6.14.6
Git - > 2.16.2 windows1
Copy the code
2. InstallHexo
First create a directory on your disk, such as C:/Blog, open a command-line tool, and type
C: Go to drive C
cd Blog Enter the Blog folder
npm install -g hexo-cli # The process of installing hexo is extremely long, so I suggest having a cup of coffee if you haven't modified the NPM mirror source
Copy the code
Assuming nothing goes wrong, no errors, no warnings, congratulations, you’re in Hexo.
In 3.Github
There are two ways to create Pages: you can create Pages belonging to the “repository” or you can create Pages belonging to the “account”, the latter is created here (account belonging), because it is nice. The main differences between the two are:
- The final access path for warehouse ownership is:
- The final access path of the account is as follows:
During the creation process, you need to set the warehouse name to your account name in order to implement the second option above.
4. Create a local blog and preview it locally
Go back to the command line at Step 2 and type:
hexo init blog Initialize the blog repository
hexo new HelloHexo # Create your first post
Copy the code
You can then go to the hellohexo. md file in the C: Blog source _post directory, find a MarkDown editor that you can use to edit the file.
After the modification is complete, go back to the command line interface and run the following command:
Hexo Clean # (Optional) Clean the cache for later regenerating Hexo C
Hexo generate # Generate related pages, also hexo G
Hexo Server # launches local preview, or hexo S
Copy the code
Then you can see your blog preview in http:\\ \localhost:4000. If it is successful, congratulations and you can have another cup of coffee 😝.