Introduction of xadmin

As everyone knows, Djangos admin background management interface is not very pretty, and the usage habits do not conform to domestic customs. Therefore, we will choose a background xadmin based on Bootstrap, which is more suitable for domestic usage and has a better interface.

Xadmin downloads the decompression configuration

  1. Download link:… (Note: download the xadmin zip package.)

  2. Unzip to the local directory, unzip after an Xadmin folder, is we want to use the xadmin source code

Integrate Xadmin into our project

  1. Project preparation

    Create a New Django project and skip it if you integrate it with an existing project

  2. Create a new folder extra_apps in the project root directory

    Copy the previously unzipped xadmin folder to the extra_apps directory

  3. Select the EXTRA_Apps folder by pycharm and right-click the menu mark Directory as to select Sources Root

  4. Modify configuration

# Add the following apps to INSTALLED_APPS

# Add the extra_apps directory
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  1. Configure to add xadmin routes
import xadmin
urlpatterns = [
    #path('admin/',, # Django comes with admin
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  1. Migrating data
The following two commands are executed on the command line, as well as on the existing project, to generate the xadmin related table
python makemigrations 
python migrate
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Here our xadmin has inherited our Django project, run the project, the browser visit: routing can not only see the login screen

Write module

Djangos built-in admin registration is a little different from xadmin. We’ll register our model with Xadmin in the module below

import xadmin
from .models import Orders

class OrderAdmin(object):
     # xadmin display field
     list_display = ['orderid'.'mobile'.'add_time']
     # Introduce a search box, which can be searched by image or URL
     search_fields = ['order_id'.'mobile']
     # add filter
     list_filter = ['add_time']
# registered, OredrAdmin)
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After registration, refresh the xadmin background to see our registered model

** Common parameter meaning of the xadmin module

Search_fields controls the name of the field that can be searched by the search box. Xadmin uses the fuzzy query list_filter column that can be filtered out readonly_fields read-only field and exclude list_editable field that can be hidden on the editing page The show_detail_FILeds field that can be quickly and directly edited on the list page displays detailed information refresh_times Specifies the periodic refresh of the list page. List_export Controls the optional format show_bookmarks for exporting data on the list page Control whether to display bookmarks function data_charts control display icon style model_icon Control menu iconCopy the code

4. Xadmin extends other functions

  1. Change the default top menu and bottom menu to display content and left menu to fold
Add the following code to
from xadmin import views
class GlobalSetting(object):
    # set the background top title
    site_title ='XXX Management background'
    # Set the background bottom title
    site_footer ='XXX company'
    # Set left menu folding
    menu_style = "accordion"

# register to background, GlobalSetting)
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Restart the program to see what we have changed

# Add code to
class BaseSetting(object):
    # Enable theme manager
    enable_themes =True
    # Use themes
    use_bootswatch =True

# Register theme Settings, BaseSetting)
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Restart the program and you will see the button to switch themes

5. Common problems

Q: Chinese is not displayed in the xadmin background


LANGUAGE_CODE =' zh-hans', TIME_ZONE ='Asia/Shanghai'Copy the code

After saving, refresh the interface and you can see that Chinese has been displayed.

Q: The self-registered model displays the table name


Customize the background menu when creating the Models model

class Order(models.Model):
    order_id = models.CharField(max_length=64, null=False, verbose_name="Order Number")
    mobile = models.CharField(max_length=11, null=False, verbose_name="Pick up hand number")
    class Meta:
        db_table ='Order'
        # Define the background menu display content
        verbose_name ="Students"
        verbose_name_plural = verbose_name
    def __str__(self):
Verbose_name specifies the name of the field you want to display
Define menu names in Meta functions
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