Under the wave of digital transformation vigorously advocated in China, all walks of life have responded to it, but enterprises have more or less encountered some “dead corner” problems in the process of transformation, which hinder the digital development of enterprises. Especially for the enterprises currently implementing digital transformation, such enterprises are prone to “blind spots” of digital transformation in the process of digital transformation, and can not be solved for a long time.

For example, in the process of digital transformation, a domestic manufacturing enterprise has encountered a troublesome equipment management problem.

The status is as follows:

• At present, the enterprise still relies on traditional Excel forms and paper manual records, and equipment inspection lacks information management mode.

• Production quality control needs to be connected with multiple processes and multiple systems, but it cannot be met at present, and the data cannot be summarized in real time.

• Problems in system procurement (I want to find a multi-system connection, but the high cost and new system that does not support multi-system connection does not conform to the established process of the enterprise)

To solve these problems, there was no good solution before, but since the rise of low code in the past two years, these problems are easily solved.

Take the low code of WEicin Informat as an example. Through a long time of experience accumulation and combining with the production processes and links of large domestic manufacturing enterprises, weicin has extracted the “6” large general module, which is suitable for the production management system of all kinds of manufacturing enterprises. Therefore, it is also highly compatible with the process logic of traditional manufacturing industry. In view of the above pain points, traditional manufacturing enterprises build equipment management systems with their own characteristics through communication low code platform to solve the “dead corner” problem of enterprise digital transformation.

Specific solutions are as follows:

1. Firstly, build a customized equipment maintenance management system to achieve fine equipment management.

• Develop detailed standards for equipment care, including more than 10 fields, such as plant area, equipment, work type, responsible person and test items.

• By means of customized workflow configuration, the system automatically generates nursing plan tasks according to different test items and assigns them to corresponding responsible persons.

• The responsible person can modify the corresponding plan status to “Completed” after receiving the assigned test task on the same day.

• The system records the details of each test plan, facilitating subsequent device status review and analysis.

• The entire process is run in an automated way, and recordable and retained information is achieved, greatly improving the standardization and effectiveness of equipment care.

2. Establish production data monitoring system for the whole process and break data barriers.

• Production digitalized operation covers the whole production process including incoming materials, warehousing, production and processing, packaging and so on.

• Obtain the data information of different devices and summarize the data.

• Provide managers with a comprehensive and real-time display of production data in each link to facilitate managers to control all data indicators

• Provide visual data kanban, intuitive monitoring of production management progress.

In addition, wexin low code platform also has more than 100 application templates, covering more than 20 major industries. No matter how large the enterprise, we can find the best solution.

According to the development stage of domestic enterprises, wexin low-code products are divided into three categories.

1. For small and medium-sized enterprises without digital foundation

Weicin can provide mature and professional industry general system, such as OA, CRM, project management and so on. They can plug and play and then fine-tune to their own needs.

2. For enterprises with a certain digital foundation

Weaving letters is a solution to a common problem they have today. It’s a digital dead end. Early procurement of various systems, and can not fully cover the entire enterprise in each workflow. It creates a lot of 3 zones. These areas will gradually become a short board restricting the further development of enterprises. The manufacturing case mentioned above falls into this category.

3. Build digital ecology for domestic leading enterprises

At present, many domestic enterprises are facing cost pressure, internal cost reduction and efficiency is often the first operation is the RESEARCH and development department. Research and development departments need to remain productive, and they need to use more efficient development tools, which We can provide them with.

In addition, these head enterprises are also in a system iteration period. Due to the limitations of the performance and framework of the early system, the current business needs are difficult to meet and need to be updated iteratively, which requires cost. There are even some vendors that are no longer providing the service and cannot be updated at all.

They need a more flexible, autonomous and controllable business system to sustain them for the next 10 or 20 years. Then weaxin low code platform is also the best choice at present. Enterprises can build a completely independent digital ecosystem through the low-code platform of Wexin.

Zhixin is a lego-type enterprise information management integrated platform. Users no longer need to rely on code development, but can quickly build the information system needed in the whole production process through independent configuration, which can cover sales, research and development, design, manufacturing, debugging and other links, greatly saving research and development costs and time, and helping enterprises achieve all-round digital transformation.