Bullet message heat is very high recently, join in to say two kinds of social products

Devoted to make products

There are two common types of “pure” social products

  • Stranger dating products complete the process of relationship establishment and relationship precipitation
  • IM (instant messaging) is essentially a tool

IM tools are difficult to start, so most social products choose the track of “strangers make friends”.

  • Relationship building in Momo products is easy to achieve, from emotional resonance to content interaction to gameplay design
  • What makes momo products difficult is the relationship precipitation. “Almost running now, add wechat” is the threshold that is difficult to cross

The lack of relationship precipitation determines that this is a traffic business, and new users are constantly coming in to maintain operation, while a social product with high user mobility is difficult to maintain tone

Dual personality exists objectively, but the absolute amount is small, and the frequency of stranger personality is much lower than that of acquaintance social personality

So there have been new products for 14 years now, but we haven’t seen an evergreen yet.

IM (Instant messaging)

Bullet text messages belong to IM

IM does not exist as a niche product, or it fails to become a national product, which needs to be “natural and geographical”. I think the motivation for the change of mainstream IM tools is: social form changes, technological breakthroughs, natural cycles

  • Social change refers to external factors such as politics
  • Technological breakthroughs such as wechat and the rise of mobile phones were almost simultaneous
  • The natural cycle is the result of the evaporation effect of community products: when a social platform almost mirrors all of a person’s relationships, the social pressure will cause some people to flee, and a critical point is reached to complete the platform replacement

Sadly, none of these three motivations can be created by entrepreneurs

Today, the evaporation effect of wechat has begun to appear but is very weak, social form and technology have not changed greatly, I do not think bullet SMS will have a big development

Part of the investment institutions show interest in bullet SMS, can be irresponsible to guess the reason: ONCE IM made a huge profit + Lao Luo by personal influence to bullet SMS completed a wave of cold start, let many people see the rare possibility, so there will always be a bet

As for the function of bullet SMS itself, it is not worth discussing, ① there is nothing new ② IM is not a functional experience to win the product

Of course, bullet messages are also likely to go the way of nails, this is IM, not to say

One possible path for doing IM

My summary of IM is “be in the right place at the right time.”

What is a man and

Do a good job of the basic, and then raise, with the “general trend” rather than chasing “small flow”, with the time to accumulate evaporation effect of the crowd fled, accumulated

The general trend refers to the change of hardware computing platform -> network foundation -> mainstream social ideology (such as privacy, same-sex relationship, etc.). Today, adding a stranger to make friends with tomorrow and adding a live broadcast will not make national IM

However, this approach is not practical in business, and there are no more than three domestic companies with the ability and patience to do so

I understand telegram core is hit the trend of regulation and anti-regulation now Tencent push king card in the future has the opportunity to hit the “network foundation, all things wireless interconnection”, King card becomes an ID, there is the potential of IM (here in fact, there is a block chain opportunity, not to expand)

What is the right place

Have the ability to start, for Tencent is the existing relationship chain, this is the most advantageous

What is the timing

Three points above