Page needs to be imported

<script language="javascript" src="Https:// gold key&plugin = Map3D, AMap. DistrictSearch, AMap. DistrictLayer"></script>
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Add content to the chainWebpack of Module. exports of vue.config.js

chainWebpack: config= > {
    config.externals({ AMap: 'AMap' }); // Introduce amap
        .set(The '@', resolve('src')) // set('@@', resolve(' SRC /components'))
        .set('_c', resolve('src/views/components'))},Copy the code

This can be done directly where AMap needs to be introduced

import AMap from 'AMap';
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If your project needs to continue to access other functions without being able to connect to the Internet. This can be done in the packaged app.js filee.exports=AMapInstead of

}catch{}Copy the code

You need to install Echarts and echarts-extension-AMap

npm i echarts echarts-extension-amap --save
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Introduced in the main. Js

import 'echarts-extension-amap';// Alternatively, using import will generate an error after packaging
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Refer to an echarts document on air quality in major Chinese cities – Baidu Map

Importing corresponding Components

import * as echarts from 'echarts';
import AMap from 'AMap';
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Customize the hover box content of a scatter

tooltip : {
    trigger: 'item'.formatter({seriesName, data}) {
        let item = data.value[2];
        return `${seriesName}<br />${item.channelName} ${item.businessId}`}},Copy the code

After the map is instantiated, if you want to call map-related methods, you can limit the display scope of the map by referring to the following operations

this.dom = echarts.init(this.$refs.container);
this.dom.setOption(option);// Initialize the map

var amapComponent = this.dom.getModel().getComponent('amap');
var amap = amapComponent.getAMap();
amap.setLimitBounds(amap.getBounds());// Limit the map display range
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If the scatter on the map changes frequently in echart content, you can use the echarts.setoption method to change only the corresponding option, so that you do not need to re-instantiate amAP every time.

Set animation: False in series to stop the scatter from swaying when dragging the map. Set symbol: ‘image://’+onLinePic. OnLinePic is a base64 encoded string.

Amap related Settings

amap: {
    resizeEnable: true.// Whether to monitor map container size changes
    center: [121.487919.31.266058].// Initializes the map center point
    disableSocket: true.dragEnable: true.// Drag and pan
    rotateEnable: false./ / rotation
    viewMode: '3D'.showLabel: true.labelzIndex: 130.pitch: 0.// Tilt Angle
    features: ['bg'.'point'].// Set the elements displayed on the map
    zoom: 9.48.// Initialize the map hierarchy
    zooms: [9.15].// Limit the zoom level
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Amap API