Autumn recruit end, feedback big guy, big factory face by summary

Qiuzhao has received offers from Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan, Didi, JINGdong, Kuaishou and Xiaomi. Now I would like to share my experience with you. Some interviews are not recorded because they are late. For example, Kuaishou had already had several intentions at that time, but was rather slack and did not summarize.

Here I have prepared the interview materials and my original ultra-hardcore PDF technical documents, as well as a number of sets of interview questions carefully prepared for you (constantly updated), I hope you can find your favorite job! Friends in needClick here toCan be free to receive, finally still wish everyone, for wife wife, for son son, for offer offer.


I participated in the summer internship of Ali, so I got the green channel for autumn recruitment. The interview process was short, including one round of GM interview and one round of direct Leader interview.

An RPC framework. The producer provided an enumeration type, but later modified the enumeration. The client did not update the enumeration. How to learn new technology MySQL and Redis master/slave Replication PRINCIPLE of RPC Call Principle of registry How to do if the registry hangs up? The difference between DUbbo and Thrift the difference between dubbo and Thrift the difference between dubbo and Thrift the difference between dubbo and Thrift the difference between dubbo and Thrift the difference between Dubbo and Thrift


Tencent was the first company to have an interview in autumn. We had a long telephone conversation between one and two on-site interviews and the other three GM interviews.

Tencent on August 13, 2020 (about 1h)

Do you know the business of Ali Health? What do you think about the prospect of ali Hospital? In Didi, what data structure does Redis use what storage engine does MySQL use how does Innodb set up transactions, you know what Innodb’s transaction mechanism is like in Didi, how does It use RocketMQ decoupling algorithm 1: Given an ordered array, find two numbers that sum to n algorithm 2: Given an unordered array, find two numbers whose sum is n algorithm 3: Given an array, the number in the array represents the height of the column, if it rains at this time, how much rain can be collected in the whole range?

Tencent Second Interview on August 13, 2020 (about 1h)

Is Blink developed by Ali based on Flink or encapsulated? Did you participate in the recommendation algorithm in byte’s project, and what is your recommendation logic? (Rule engine, timing filter) The filtered vehicle system information is stored in Redis. What data structure is used? What’s the difference between a set and a zset? How can this information be read? What if information is being inserted at the same time as reading? Redis transactions (redis transactions) (Backup memory, read/write separation) If not this method, what other methods do you have? How innoDB implements transaction (MVCC, gap lock) B+ tree only has leaves to store data, what will happen then? Why this structure? Algorithm 1: delete duplicate nodes in the linked list. Design 题1: implement a memorycopy function (the input parameter is a pointer of any type, return the memory address after the copy) design 题2: implement a link in the mailbox validation, if the implementation is valid only once, how to implement the validity period of 30 minutes, and give a summary of the url sample: Problems are divergent, few knowledge points are fixed assessment, more knowledge points are combined with application, the factors of improvisation are large, the difficulty of the algorithm is not high, but all require manual coding.

September 3, 2020 Tencent Three Sides (about 30min)

Two large files, one string for each line, A file 1T size, B file 2T size, find the intersection of the two files. It’s time for dinner. How do you recommend A restaurant to A person? September 4, 2020 Tencent HR face (about 30min) self-introduction advantages and disadvantages of the previous internship experience Of Ali Didi byte company culture took what offer, in the face of which companies Ali Tencent how to choose the basis of the job is not clear about the specific questions of the HR interview, mainly about life, and ask the company to choose


Meituan video interview, three rounds of interviews, after the third round of interview, something was not sorted out, so only one or two rounds of interviews.

Meituan side on August 26, 2020 (about 50min)

Long a = 1000L and Long b = 1000L, what does a == b return? Long a = 1000L and Long b = 1000L, a == b return what? Java data structures Learn what to do if you need to store the order you put into a Map, what data structure to use the underlying data structure of a HashMap, how to expand ConcurrentHashMap how to keep threads safe and what design patterns to introduce policy patterns write a singleton pattern (coding, Double check lock (synchronized) ReentrantLock write about how a deadlock project uses the B+ tree structure of MQ mysql to talk about the isolation level of the database, = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Three handshake four wave RPC framework what do you know and what protocol do you use? What are the common HTTP request methods and what are the differences? How is idempotent HTTPS implemented? How do you learn a new language or technology? What blogs or communities do you read? ask

September 1, 2020 Meituan Second Interview (about 50min)

How to solve the cache avalanche (ask to say a variety of ways) Redis data type TCP three-way handshake tree before, after the order traversal what is the difference sorting algorithm to understand what is the fastest sorting algorithm is what to talk about quick sorting took what offers, in the face of which companies SQL: table (name, subject, score), count all subjects score of each person (coding) algorithm: two strings, find the longest common substring (coding, test point) design: If you’re an architect, how do you think about a system that has 100 million orders per day now has more than 1,000


Didi, the ride-hailing arm of the company, had three interviews in a row over a weekend afternoon, via a video of its customers.

Didi on August 30, 2020

Didi project byte project redis how to use the distributed lock didi is what scene used in the distributed lock can be optimized? Algorithm: n+1 length array, is the number of 1~ N, find the number of repeated (requirements: time complexity O(n), space complexity O(1), and can not modify the original array, the array into a linked list, with a linked list of ring entry solution, need coding, test points) ask

On August 30, 2020, Didi made its second appearance

Self-introduction Byte project why data stored in Redis not stored in mysql Ali project big data value understanding, some real-time computing scenarios Blink and Redis (confusing questions, Thread, Runnable, Callable, Thread safe data structure HashTable and ConcurrentHashMap Thread safe way JavaNIO IO multiplexing Why epoll is faster than SELECT and where to optimize the time complexity of the underlying hop table of Zset in Redis? Why is that? Redis distributed architecture sentry mode election algorithm Redis node-to-node communication protocol database Innodb understand MVCC algorithm 1: the largest contiguous subarray and (coding, test point) algorithm 2: determine whether binary tree is search binary tree (coding, test point)

Didi’s Three sides on August 30, 2020

Introduce yourself to the laboratory project, what are you responsible for? Specifically, talk about each state. If two administrators conduct bidding group approval at the same time, will there be concurrent insecurity and how to solve it? What did you find the most important, or the most difficult, problem in the project? Byte project, talk about the rules engine in detail about some problems with redis data storage and CRon in the project. The project brought the biggest improvement. Any problems since the launch? How to solve the didi project? Explain in detail the various activities and rules, how to configure the reward plan, reward implementation and reward recovery. Mind switching tech stacks (Golang, PHP)? SQL: List T (serial number, user name, product name, unit price, quantity, date) Statistics: Name of the top three users with the highest total amount of spending in August (welfare coding)

The last

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