General graduation can be divided into four kinds

1 985 or some strong 211 computer related majors

2. Non-computer major from above school

I majored in computer science

Puben is not a computer major

It is not easy for college students to enter dachang, the high-paying software industry such as Huawei and BAT.

I set up a new technical exchange circle, the main group is a 10-year-old technical personnel, the technical director of a listed company, the group will answer questions for the group every day, recruitment push, click to join the circle

Technical exchange group, group friends share dry goods every day, the relative probability of class 1 is relatively large, especially school recruitment.

Category 2 also has great opportunities if students are excellent. Of course, I mean science and engineering, not liberal arts.

3 Basic Colonel moves are not much of a possibility (unless you are really good), but there is a chance for club moves, but you have to have a good resume and opportunity.

Let’s talk about majors

Depth and breadth of knowledge

In terms of breadth, basic computer knowledge, such as operating system, compilation principle and computer network, must be learned, especially data structure and algorithm, must be mastered. Dachang will certainly take the algorithm exam.

Depth, the back-end using the framework, and principle of source, all of these need to be able to say, like a consortium of deep drilling about technology, then the problem is coming, if you really like the deep research in technology, you will write your own blog, or make your own project, so your blog to write well, or there is a star on making more than 500 projects, super points.

Every time you feel lost, you can look at the recruitment requirements of Java engineers in big factories and know how far you have to go.


Those who like it get a raise every year