This year’s plans were disrupted by the pandemic and a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at home for my father

Ever also wrote his own interview experience, interview is each of our career path, starting from the most afraid of the interview, interview to the ordinary heart, had written a little about the job interview, it is your previous interview experience, write down the summary, every year also compiled on making interviews before the knowledge of the problems encountered in the process of peace, I won’t repeat it this time

This specific interview questions would not be in said, I want to write these interview questions and interview experience has countless, said the main thinking about yourself for the interview, the content should not be a lot of, hope to have an interview for the needs of a friend is a little help, is also preparing to write about his work for a few years later, from the product, design, front-end and back-end multi-angle thinking, thinking about company

1. Why am I interviewing this company

A lot of people look at this and say, well, isn’t that nonsense? Of course it’s for work, for money, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

In the past, I had to prepare for the interview after the New Year, but this year I didn’t because of the epidemic. However, many HR people asked me if I had any intention to change my job, and I always asked

  • 1. Which front end do we recruit at present
  • 2. Why do we hire a front end (personnel change or new project)
  • 3. Our technical team
  • 4. How do we collaborate as a team
  • 5. How do we manage our projects

When it comes to why the company interview, many people may interview which company is invited to the interview will go to the interview in the past, but this time is to have a choice, as part of the outsourcing company, for example, at first he did not say is outsourcing company, didn’t say to you when you interview, of course if you are willing to go to outsourcing company, also it doesn’t matter; However, I do mind outsourcing companies. I have compiled a list of outsourcing companies and put them on Github. Of course, there is no malicious intent, just to bypass these companies.

When many people (including me) interview, more or see the company’s salary package, if the salary package is acceptable, then look at the company’s technical team, the company’s front-end technology stack, or back-end situation; If you feel that salary can not pass, and then talk about the other is zero, it is estimated that there is no desire to interview!

Of course, if you interview this company, then the company must be attractive to you, if the attraction is greater than those minor shortcomings, or choose

2. What did I learn from the interview with this company

It’s not just about wealth, it’s about long-term development

  • I need to know what the company does, what industry, is it something you would like to choose
  • I’m going to find out about the company’s prospects
  • In addition to the salary, will I be able to learn new ideas and technologies from this company while doing my job well, or in other words, will I be able to take my technical skills to a new level
  • If it is just into the front end, it is necessary to see if there is no one to take
  • How much room to grow
  • Get a sense of the company from the interview. What are the people like

3. Two-way selection

  • Whether I’m right for this company

Or in other words, you can put the company’s work, can be qualified for this job, this time you have been clear about the role of the future in this company, the content of the job, job duties, ask yourself, can do the job, the future meet new technology and colleagues, a new communication and coordination can you do?

If you encounter difficulties or pressure at work in the future, do you choose to quit, or choose to face positively? Sometimes you need to think about it

  • Is this company right for me

At the end of the interview

  • The company’s team, technology
  • Ask the interviewer what they think of you
  • What are your views on the growth of team members
  • Best to leave the interviewer’s wechat, after the interview, send a thank you for the interview, I’m sure the interview content is very good, I hope we can communicate more in the future. One is to show their quality, and the other is to see the interviewer’s attitude towards them.
  • 996. How do you feel about working overtime? 996.
  • And finally benefits and all that

4. Pay attention to details and basics

If you really want to go to the interview, make a good preparation, the foundation is the key, the interview questions, even made a lot of interview questions, at the end of may when one is useless to the interview, is often said that “economic base determines the superstructure”, it’s the same for us, what do you want to reach a level that is about to see your foundation is not solid. Every knowledge point may be an interview question, every step determines the success or failure of the interview, everything depends on yourself!

If given the opportunity, you can increase the depth and breadth of your research, not just the front end or back end

Finally the last or want to say, especially make our industry must take good care of yourself, take good care of your body! Work is important, health is the first! (Don’t use struggle as an excuse to stay up late)

Due to the impact of the epidemic, most interviews are conducted by phone or video, and I find it more and more difficult to recruit people. I believe that HR people in various companies have the most experience, and I hope they can find their favorite jobs!