Under the epidemic, programmers really have a hard life?

It is not true. As early as the 2008 financial crisis, Jack Ma, then CEO of Alibaba, said: “The more winter comes, the more we need to attract excellent talents to come in, so that after the winter is over, we can make good reserves and accumulation. I still admire Ma Yun, and this truth is also very shallow, winter will pass, the day will be good. If you shivered during the winter, you would be the same when it was over.”

In my opinion, if you think of yourself as the kind of person who works hard, who is good, who is smart, who is willing to struggle, then winter is an opportunity for you, because the future will be better. And if you think that winter is out of you, then you will be out of the winter is out of those speculative, don’t work hard, no real ability but bluff people. This is actually your chance to cut those people out, and the world is for you, and when the winter is over, and everything is good, the best things are for you.

After studying hard for 3 months, I got offers from ali, Tencent, Meituan, Byte and many other big companies

Java interviews are a cliche these days, and they are. ** Interview questions, interview guide, interview manual…… All kinds of Java interview questions one search a lot, can’t finish reading, also can’t see over, ** and each interview data also feel Nice, and then opened the collection of road.

Java developers should not be easy to be satisfied, now with a 20K job, the next step is thinking of taking 50K offer, or even annual salary million is very common programmers, not satisfied with the status quo, the body should have the ability to take its position, constantly improve skills, technology stack, are essential!

In fact, many people do not have a clear plan for themselves, and even do not know what route is suitable for them. In this way, you will be farther and farther away from the desired offer! Whenever you need to have a clear understanding of yourself, do you plan your learning route in advance?

So what’s the point of writing this? Stop and take a look. Can be more systematic, organized to review, prepare for gold three silver four. Have the following purposes:

  • Can review through a system, do not know where to look, how to start?
  • Set up a systematic review system where each knowledge point is independent and connected?
  • Review and summarize the major factories often test the pilot, from their own reality, to understand where the gap?

In addition to these, of course, there are some very beautiful learning materials, summed up very comprehensive, including 29 knowledge points, from the foundation to the advanced have! Please comment on this article if you need the full version, and click here to get the screenshot for free

When I saw this manual, I felt very conscience, including JVM, multithreading, Spring buckets, microservices, networks, message middleware, data structures, algorithms, distributed and so on:

Directory in

  • JVM

  • Java collection + multithreaded concurrency

  • Java basics +Spring principles + microservices

  • Netty and RPC+ networks

  • Log + Zookeeper, Kafka

  • Rabbit+Hbase+MongoDB

  • Design mode + load balancing

  • Database + consistency algorithm

  • Java algorithm + data structure + encryption algorithm + distributed cache

  • Hadoop+Spark+Storm

  • YARN+ machine learning + cloud computing

The content in

  • thread

  • Java & implementation

  • Java thread pool working process

  • Spring

  • Netty and RPC

  • The network architecture

  • Rabbit

  • The database

  • The encryption algorithm

  • Cloud computing

HR70 asked


Only fully prepared for the interview, can be more confident to beat the interviewer, every aspect of knowledge is necessary, can not lack.

Those who need the full version can comment on this article and thenClick here toAvailable for free with screenshots