Background: RECENTLY, I modified an old project system, which is written by Java + Bootstrap + JSP. The calendar plug-in datepicker is very difficult to use and easy to click failure, so I decided to replace it.

LayDate official website:

My97DatePicker official website:

Here is a simple demonstration of layDate ideas, do not show the project source code, only as a Demo. Another calendar plugin, My97DatePicker, is also ok, for the same reason.

The latest version of My97DatePicker is updated to 2017/8/3. This is the reason why I don’t want to use it, it is not active.

The following is a brief description of how I use layDate to solve problems and ideas.

Getting started is simple. There are two options: write using Layui or use a separate package. Use it for your own use, and I’ll show you the use of individual packages.

Step 1 Download the layDate installation package from the laydate website: